You dont deserve him V.H

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Come on y/n you dont deserve him
He is a cheater


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Y/n pov

Me and robin are in my room playing something then i lose he laughs hes my bestfriend for 3 years
"You better pay attention sometimes y/n" he said to me

"For what?" I said to him he let out of sigh and smiled at me

"Whatever lets just go out vance not here he probably in the gym or in the grab n go" he said i nodded we both stand up and went out of my house we walked around i see billy and his dog were biking around and throwing some newspaper i waved at him he waved back hes my bestfriend too hes so cute
the dog is not biking thats not what i meant.
We both decided to go in grab n go after some few minutes we were almost at the grab n go until robin stopped me from walking.
He holds my chest while looking up

"What?" I said to him as i look up in the grab n go it says 'Y/n slut' my blood boil who the hell write that what is wrong with him i frown robin looked at me i decided to run away and looking around who the hell sprayed on it and who is holding the sprayer robin was following me but i ignore him

ntil i see a spot i saw 4 people were standing and the other guy was spraying something on the wall i walked slowly closer i saw vance there was a 2 girls were laughing vance was laughing too i felt angry at him i walked closer i see the girls looked at me and said Awww vance looked at me cold i slapped at him hard the girls said Ooo with a shocked face i looked at the boy who sprayed the wall it says
'Y/n bitch' and then i looked at vance

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yelled at him then i feel someone walking behind me its robin

"I heard you two fucked each other in your room." He said to me and he laughs i was so mad at him robin looked at him angry

"What the hell are you talking about vance?! He is my bestfriend nothing else!" I said to him he scoff and smirked at me

"Really? Just friends? Dont fucking lie to me y/n i know you" he said to me

"Im telling the truth vance! You were just jealous" i said then i rolled my eyes at him and turn around walking away from him but i see vance pushed robin i turn around at them

"Whats why your dad left you because you were fucking other girls and now my girlfriend?" Vance said to him and he laughs i felt bad at robin how could he said that to my bestfriend i see robin stand up and punch vance
Vance fell on the ground groaning in pain robin was on top of him and keep punching him his friends were shocked and tried to stop them

"Robin stop!" I yelled at robin but he keeps punching vance and then we heard a police coming to us but robin keep punching him he didn't stop vance face was bleeding until robin stopped but it was too late the police was behind us they started to run but we didn't run they left us the police got robin

Me and robin are in the police station we both sitting in the chair then i started to wipe the blood away from his hand after some few seconds i clean it and we both went out of the police station and walked again go grab n go
We both get there but i still see 'y/n slut'
they haven't deleted it yet i scoff and we both went inside of the grab n go i grab some chips i payed for them and then we went out of the grab n go but i spoke something

"Robin wait i have to see something" i said to him he nodded but he ask me if he can come with me i nodded he was behind me quiet i started to walk behind the grab n go i heard a girl laughing me and robin was hiding and then i see vance and some random girl
Vance was holding her chin and kissed her on the lips a tears were falling down on my cheeks and then i turn back infront of the grab n go how could he do this to me robin looked at me worried i wiped my tears away

"Come on y/n You dont deserve him he is a cheater" robin said to me i nodded we both walked home

Its been 1 week i keep ignoring vance hopper because i didn't want to see him for what he did he cheated on me i hate him.

Vance pov

Its been 1 week that y/n haven't talk to me i guess shes still mad for me for what i did to her but its not my fault shes always with that bandana boy robin i could tell i was kinda jealous she would hangout with robin than her boyfriend me shes a cheater anyway

I was in my locker standing i was waiting for y/n and robin to show up but instead of waiting i decided to came in the library i came in i was looking for spot and then i found robin and y/n were hugging eachother i felt jealous i just left in the library im with my friends we both stand in my locker waiting for them to come to me after some few minutes i saw them walking eachother i stand infront of them

Y/n pov

Me and robin were walking together and then vance suddenly stand infront of us i hope he dont tease us again

"What do you want vance?" I asked him coldly he scoff and smirks his friends laughs at us he pushed me on the ground robin looked worried about me everyone looked at us and laughed

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled at vance he laughs robin looked at him mad and disappointed

"You're a cheater" vance said to me i was possessed of what he said that hurts me he called me a cheater a tears were falling down on my cheeks his friends were laughing everyone was just looking at us they stopped laughing

"YOU WERE THE ONE WHO CHEATED ON ME!" I yelled at him and then i cried and stand up quickly and ran away

"Y/n wait!" I heard robin said to me but i ignore him i came inside of the bathroom in girls and started crying more but i need to keep it quiet i wiped my tears away
After some few minutes i stopped crying i came in the class and sit next to robin he was looking at me worried he asked me if im okay i nodded at him the class started aftet some minutes a little piece of paper i look at it and it says
'We're over' i scoff and breaks the paper i was the one who is gonna break up with him i was holding my tears because its still hurts but robin held his hand on my back to cheer me up he always makes me happy when someone hurted me

No one pov

Vance regret breaking up with y/n
Now he sees y/n happy with robin and they were laughing eachother he knew that hes the one who cheated on y/n he regret everything he was a bad boyfriend and didn't even spend time with y/n they both dont have time for eachother its complicated y/n cried for him but he didn't care but now he felt bad at y/n for breaking up with her
Everyone started shipping y/n and robin everybody keep saying that they're good couple or gonna be cute couple vance felt so jealous about it
Its been 3 months that they're break up vance missed her so much

"I miss you forever y/n"

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