Just move on V.H

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Warning: violence, bad words, self harm and kissing

If you dont wanna read this just leave this chapter its up to you

"REALLY?! YOU ARE GOING TO PICK A FUCKING PINBALL OVER YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!" I yelled at him with anger tone he looked so mad

"YEAH! IT MAKES ME MORE HAPPY AND GOOD THING I HOOK UP WITH SOMEONE!" he yelled at me my face dropped because of what he said he hook up with some random girl

"R-really?" I said to him as i look at him like i was about to cry

"Yeah! i never loved you!" That brokes my heart i wanted to cry so hard

"Then if you dont love me why dont you say so?" I said to him he looked at me like nothing happened

"You know what, this toxic relationship is over!" He shouts at me aggressively my heart dropped and then he leaves crying and slammed the door i get on my knees crying he didn't treat me better i don't deserve him he didn't deserve me either

I grabbed the sharp knife from the kitchen and went in the bathroom i closed the door then i looked at the mirror i rolled up my long sleeves and cut my wrist 3 times line i tried to handle the pain but i just closed my eyes and keep crying trying to forget what just happened

After i cut my wrist i rolled down my long sleeve then i went in my room i saw all the pictures of me and vance i picked them throw at them in the wall aggressively and it was an huge argument i was there for him i did everything for him and this is how he repays me i wish i never meet him in my life why did i said yes to be his fucking girlfriend? It was a bad choice

After 2 days i didn't come in school
My mom came in my room told me that we were moving i was kinda happy about it i can forget vance i will forget him but i will never forget finney,gwen,robin,billy griffin and bruce because they are here for me

After when i told them that i am moving they looked sad they hugged me tightly i said goodbye to them as my dad car drives away..

Vance pov

I haven't seen y/n in school in 2 days so i have been worried about her i mean why did i need to be worried about her i remember i broke up with her i couldn't stop crying from that last night i missed her i didn't even want to end the things with her i didn't want to broke her heart i felt bad for saying that i hook up with someone which is not true i just lied at her...

I was at school looking for y/n but then i saw her friends looked so sad i walked closer to finney who is standing alone looked a little bit sad

"Hey uh- finn can i ask where is y/n i haven't seen her" i said to him as he looks at me with frown

"You should know because you're her boyfriend" he said i think she hasn't tell them we just broke up

"Just tell me she didn't told me everything" i said to him he let out of sigh

"She moved yesterday okay?" He said my face dropped.

"W-why?" I said to him

"Maybe she didn't want to be here and are you guys still dating? She left you" he said i nodded

"w-we just broke up like 3 days ago we had a huge argument i told her that i hook up with someone but it was not true i didn't hook up with everybody" i said to him he looked abit shocked

"You just broke her heart." he said then i nodded then i left and went in the class

After 7 days

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