Broke F.b.

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Warning: sad and killed

Me and finney are dating were already dating 1 year and its our anniversary i hope he doesn't forget about it i hope he remember i love him with all my heart donna was is ex crush but when she have me its not her crush anymore i was preparing everything in the table and gonna surprise him with robin and gwen and also vance bruce will include in the party finney was in the school we decided not to come he has no idea that im gonna surprise him
Skip after the school
I know school was done we were ready to surprise him all we prepare was done and the ballons we turn off the lights and waiting for him to come inside the house my parents was not here they're in they works they gonna home after 2 weeks they left me a 1000 dollars.

After some minutes we heard the door opened we turn on the lights and we said happy anniversary i came in finney hug him tightly "happy 1 year anniversary babe" i said as i kiss him in the cheek when i hug him he didn't hug me back he look like he was upset "we dont have time for this y/n." I heard finney said my face dropped and everyone was curious or something "im sorry.. I dont love you anymore y/n" i heard finney said to me a tears run down on my cheek it hurts.. i love him but he doesn't love me anymore i see everyone has a sad face i run away from the door then i heard vance said "y/n wait!" I just ignored him

I just keep running crying then i feel its raining now i dont wanna go home right now i know everybody was still in there and i dont wanna talk to them finney broke my heart i came to the tree and sit so that I don't get rained on and so i dont get wet to much then after some minutes it didn't rain anymore and then i see a black van named abracadabra i stand up it stop infront of me "Hi little girl" a man said to me and came closer "im a part of magician" he said to me

i smiled i love magic trick "would you like to see a magic trick?" He asked me as hes holding a spray and shake them i take a look closer and saw a black balloons "are those black balloons in there?" I ask him "yeah" he said he opens and then he put the ballons in my neck and he started to spray on my mouth he picked me up and put me on the van and everything went black

I woke up in a dark basement im laying on a bed and i see a black phone on the wall the door was closed i pick up the phone but it was disconnected but i heard the grabber said "it doesn't work, not since i was a kid" i look at him and hung up the phone "What do you want from me?" I ask him he just giggle "Nothing" that was all he said to me "dont come near me or i scratch your face" i said to him i saw his head infront of his head "this face?" He said and he chuckles "You dont have to be scared" he said "Nothing bad will happened here i will take care of you" i heard he said i was kinda hungry

all i prepare in the table in my house was waste i didn't even eat anything of them my money was waste I hope I didn't prepare all that for him it waste my money and then he just gonna broke my heart and then said he didn't love me anymore i guess its just another game to play with him i see the grabber closed the door i just sit on the bed and then lay on it did i deserved this? Did i deserve to be taken by the grabber? Did i deserve to be hurt? Well i dont know i dont fucking care if he do anything to me or kill me after some seconds i look around and i see the door was unlocked i open it and just closed it

all i prepare in the table in my house was waste i didn't even eat anything of them my money was waste I hope I didn't prepare all that for him it waste my money and then he just gonna broke my heart and then said he didn't love me anymore i guess...

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I decided not too come upstairs because i know its a game i was so hungry i was looking around again then i see a toilet i open the light there was a carpet i dont know what to do about it i started to panick what if he dont feed me i started to walk forward and step back for waiting then i heard the door opened i look at it in fear

I saw him holding a tray with a soda and egg "what did you put in that?" I ask him "salt and pepper" he said then he giggles and put them down on the ground "Oh eat it, dont eat it" he said then stand up "you're already here what do i need to drug...

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I saw him holding a tray with a soda and egg "what did you put in that?" I ask him "salt and pepper" he said then he giggles and put them down on the ground "Oh eat it, dont eat it" he said then stand up "you're already here what do i need to drug you for" he said then he leave closed the door i walk closer to my food and eat them after i ate them i was kinda full because the food was not enough for me

~~no one pov~~

Its been like 2 days y/n wasn't home yet everyone started to panick and then they put some papers on the gate some missing y/n everyone hated finney after what he did to y/n finney regrets everything its his fault that y/n is missing he played with her hearts and broke her heart the teacher started to announce that y/n L/n is missing but her parents doesn't know it
Finney was trying to talk to them but they just ignored finney and telling them to

"shut up" vance-
"just go away" bruce-
"Dont speak to me" gwen-
"dont say a word " robin-

Gwen was mad to him too but they are talking sometimes finney tried to apologize to them but everyone avoiding him when he tries to speak he knew that how y/n was important to him she can save him and protect him but y/n was not a fighter like robin robin hasn't teach him but vance do not always teach him but robin still defending him to his bullies its hes still bestfriend but when finney thanked him robin just said "yeah yeah" and then walk away everyone knows y/n deserve better why finney left the girl whos always there for him and never leaves him behind and always take care of him he regrets everything what the hell is wrong with him hes always in his room crying in the bed worried for y/n and waiting her to comeback

He dont go in school for a 2 days because he knows that his friends are just gonna ignored him or avoid him not paying attention to him and when the teacher said pick a partner donna just came to her and be her partner
Finney decided now to call y/n parents that shes missing they are shocked they head home they are so worried and started to cry he told them everything what happened y/n parents was disappointed to him but they are not mad at him after some 3 days they find out that y/n was dead they found her body in the street with a cut on her neck but the police found the grabber while he cut y/n neck because they started to look around he house but the police found his secret in the basement the grabber didn't know the police came in his house to look around the grabber started to get in jail but his brother max is worried about him today finney parents are in y/n funeral and y/n parents was in funeral too and vance bruce gwen donna was in her funeral they are crying when she was already buried they miss her they still hate finney for what he did
"Does anybody want to speak?" The pastor said finney raised his hand up and then down he started to speak it was raining they are holding a black umbrella
Finney started to speak hes saying that y/n was her love of his life and telling anything when y/n was there for him everybody look at him a tear run down on his cheeks his friends felt bad for him but they still not decided to forgive him

After some 7 years they are already college and everybody already forgives finney and now they are talking to finney but finney and everybody still remember y/n and miss her
Finney is now 22 years old and his friends and already adult not minor anymore finney got married with donna they made a daughter named alicia but he still miss y/n and he never forget y/n...

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