Were just friends V.H

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I have a crush on vance but i never tell him because it can ruin our friendship hes my bestfriend since we were grade 8th were both 17 years old

Theres a new transfer student girl in the school her name was Rhaiza everybody keep talking about her and saying shes beatiful have a long brown hair have a blue eyes like vance im kinda nervous what if vance ignored me for her? Or wont be friends with me anymore because i know he would date pretty girls not like me i wasn't pretty at all... that's i could say thats why vance only wanted to be friends with me

I was walking through my locker but then i saw vance he wraps his arms around Rhaiza shoulder i guess they already meet each other

"Hey y/n come here i wanted you to meet my new girlfriend" he said my face dropped about it i came closer to him as i see Rhaiza who is smiling at me

"Hey y/n" i heard Rhaiza i waved back and i look at the bathroom and looked back at her

"I gotta go see ya later" i said to her as i walked in the bathroom girl i looked at the mirror a tears were falling down on
My cheeks im not really that beatiful..

I then heard laughing girls came in i wiped my tears away quickly and it was my bully its kelly and angel

"Ooo why is y/n crying?" Angel tease at me and then laughed

"Because vance left her he found a new girl who is better than y/n" kelly said that made my blood boil

"Just fucking leave me alone shitheads" i said to them

"Or what? are you gonna hurt me?" Kelly said then angel laugh

"Vance would never like someone like you" angel said i mean its true

"Vance is just my bestfriend, hes like a brother to me so shut up" i lied at them

"Whatever" they said and left at the door thank god they're gone their fucking annoying i picked at my bag and head to the class i sit next to finney because vance with Rhaiza

Skip time after school

I was in my house laying on the bed reading some of my book then i heard someone on my window i opened it revealing vance

"What are you doing here?" I asked annoyed at him

"Are you mad at me?" He asked i scoff then let him in and closed the window

"obviously no" i said to him as i sit on my bed

"Then why are you annoyed for?" He asked that made me mad

"Stop asking questions vance" i said to him in a annoyed tone then continue to read my book but i put it down and looked at him

"Why are you here anyways? You should be with Rhaiza right now" i said to him he scoff

"Jealous we're just friends" he said my face dropped that made my heart sank but its true and i have feelings for him but hes inlove with someone else

"Ye true and im not jealous i like someone" i said to him

"Then who?" He asked

"Im not telling you" i said to him he scoff then he walks closer to the window opened it and left

After some a 5 minutes i heard a knock on my window again i was annoyed but i look to see its robin

"Hey what are you doing here robin?" I said to him then he smiled at me then came in

"Nothing hermosa i wanna hang out with you" he said i smiled at hin we both lay together on the bed reading together

We hangout alot like 1 week and my feelings for vance disappeared...

"Y/n i was waiting for you to tell this but I like you!" Robin said to me i was shocked

"I like you too robin" i said to him and then i hugged him tightly he hugged back

Vance pov

I broke up with Rhaiza because i lost my feelings for her i got feelings for y/n but i heard shes dating with robin that made my heart broke i would cry in night about it i would stare at the wall

"Hey y/n" i said to her she stopped infront of me i let out of sigh

"Yes vance?" She said

"Did you had a crush on someone else before?" I asked her he let out of sigh and give me a weird look

"i used to have a crush on you!" She said my face dropped


I wish i knew you wanted me..

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