Confess her V.H

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I have a crush on y/n since we were both 14 and now we were both 17 but im older than her in 1 month i love how she laughs how she smiled at me everything i love about her she is so beautiful shes the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!

y/n family are having sleepovers to us i can't wait to see her and sleep with her
They're coming here at 7:00 pm and its 6:56 right now and i think they're coming now

After 5 minutes they arrived here i stand infront of the door then i saw y/n she looks excited she quickly hugged me tight I feel thrilled right now but i hugged back at her she then slowly pushed me away and came inside that was sweet.

I then closed the door and came in my room after some few minutes y/n came in with her bags

"Vance is it okay if i sleep here?" She asked i nodded its not a problem i have 2 beds here i do not share with everyone only y/n because i love sleeping with her and shes my crush.
She then put her bags down and came in the bed she lay on the bed

"How was your day y/n? I missed you" i said to her she looked at me then sat

"It was good, i missed you too vance" she said i smiled at her i then picked up my book started reading it i saw her stand up and she picked her towel and her pajama and walked out of the door i think shes going in the bathroom or something

After some few minutes i got bored i stopped reading my book i walked out of the door and walked downstairs i then came in the kitchen and grab some food and i sit on the sofa watching television

After i watched i started to walk upstairs i opened the door i was shocked i came it and y/n was naked...

Y/n pov

I just came from the bathroom i came in vance room i closed the door i removed my towel revealing my body but no one is here

After some few minutes the door just opened shit i forgot to lock it and it was revealing by vance he was shocked he just stand there shocked keep looking at me

"VANCE! get out!" I shouted at him he shakes his head then closed his eyes

"Sorry" he said turning back and closed the door well that was crazy i could tell
I was finished putting my pajamas on i then shouted so vance can hear me

"Vance im done!" I shouted at him he then came in blushing like crazy why he is blushing? Well i dont care but i have feelings for him

We then both sat together on our bed he then asked me

"Theres this girl i really like" he said my face dropped then smiled at him

"Why dont you confess her?" I asked him he let out of sigh then looked at me

"I dont even know what to say" he said

"Flatter her girls like that, tell her you love her eyes,her lips,her hair" i said to him

"In fact tell her you love all her parts" i said to him he then gave me a weird look

"Oh i cant say that" he said

"Oh come on vanceee!"i said to him he let out of sigh

"I love every parts of you" he said to me i kinda blushed but i think he just try it on me

"Not to me, say it to the girl you love" i said to him he smiled at me

"But you're the only girl i love" he said to me i was shocked did he really mean it?

He then quickly kissed me passionately i kissed back then he slowly pulled away

"Did you really mean it?" I asked him he nodded

"Can you be my girlfriend y/n?" He asked

"Yes!" I said to him he hugged me tightly and kissed me again and pulled away

"I love you so much baby" he said i smiled at him like close mouth

"I love you more my love" i said to him he smiled at me and then kissed me again

My crush just asked me to be his girlfriend...

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