I cant find him R.A

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Robin has been missing for 3 days and I cant find him In any neighbourhood but gwen has been saying that she can have a dream of robin she tried but she cant i was really worried of robin and i miss him so much and finney has been saying to me that i needed to stop finding him because everybody says hes dead i did not believe because i know hes alive he can kick that shit
When robin is missing everybody keep talking shit about him i was so mad at it including moose hes a giant asshole thats why robin beat his ass he was a shit talking i just keep begging for finney and gwen to bike with us to find robin but they wouldn't allow me because what if im the next victim of the grabber i know he only takes boys i think

I decided to take my bike and go around to find robin i will keep my self safe i bring my sharp knife
After some few hours i didn't find robin I went home biking i sat there my bike a tears were falling down on my cheek i went inside and closed the door and sat crying
Finney saw me crying he looked worried he came to me and holds my shoulders

"What happened y/n?" He said i didn't answer his question i just keep looking at him

"Come here" he said as he takes my hand and put me on the sofa we both sat on it and i look at him he looked back and began to ask

"What happened?" He said i let out a sigh i wiped my tears away

"I-i cant find him finney.." i said to him he let out of sigh and looked at me again

"I told you not to go out alone y/n The grabber can kill you or kidnapped you"
He said

"I will never stop finding him until i found him Finney! It hurts when hes not here I miss him calling me mi amor hermosa or anything!" I kinda yelled at him a tears were falling down on my cheek again i really wanted to cry hard

"Y/n you will never find him and hes dead!" He said to me that brokes me i believe hes not dead hes brave and stronger i started crying so much infront of finney

"Dont say that to him finney! Hes your bestfriend are you not worried about him!" I said to him he pulls me for a hug he hugged me tightly i didn't even hug back at him he stopped hugging me and stand up walks away leaving me emotional

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"Dont say that to him finney! Hes your bestfriend are you not worried about him!" I said to him he pulls me for a hug he hugged me tightly i didn't even hug back at him he stopped hugging me and stand up walks away leaving me emotional

I decided to continue finding robin i use my bike and biking around to find robin i stopped to the house that has a black van i look around saw a window i saw finney was laying on the bed he had all blood on his body i started to get worrid i found a rock and started breaking the glass so hard it started to break i remove the line locker i saw robin wakes up and looks at me he was emotional he throws the long cable thing to me I dropped it and held on to it, I tugged so that it could climb up robin i tried so hard i couldn't help but hurts my hand its started to blood but i didn't care and robin finally came out he hugged me tightly i hugged back he got on my bike and we biked away we came on the police station and told everything the address robin came in the hospital the doctor said he was okay hes now safe im happy again hes here

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