Once a cheater always a cheater V.H

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I was walking to vance home alone it was night its 11:00 pm but im home alone in my house so i decided to go on vance house he said he was alone and he was busy he always said that and i think he doesn't have a time for me
While i was walking i knock in vance house but no one answered it i decided to open it and it was unlocked i came inside i heard moaning Is he cheating on me?! I walk slowly in vance room and I peeked at the door then i saw vance having a sex with a another girl....

A tears were falling down on my cheek i cant watch it anymore so i left in his house i was running home crying i went to my room lay on the bed crying hard until i fell sleep...

I woke up in the morning my eyes were puffy red i guess i cried too much he doesn't deserve my tears and i dont deserve him he broke my heart and cheated on me i decided not to come on school i bought some alot of vodka i keep drinking them i was enjoying by myself my parents were at they work they didn't get home for 1 year
The vodka was good even though this vodka is not allowed to me how long he has been cheating on me?
I have no choice but to cry while drinking vodka and some beers it was so good and i have been smoking i never smoking before but this was my first time i turn on some musics and drinking more beers i dont wanna see his face. I dont want to see him forever i will never forgive him for what he did...

I came in the school today i saw finney gwen and robin were looking at me but i ignored them im not in the mood my eyes were still puffy red
I came in the class i sit on the chair i saw vance came to me i try not to look at him he looked at me and began to say something

"What happened baby? Why your eyes were puffy red? What's wrong?" He asked worried i rolled my eyes st him and began to spoke something

"Its not of your god damn business.." i said to with coldly and just continue looking at the board i never acted to vance like this he was a little bit shocked

"What is wrong with you today?" He asked

"You know what its over you fucking cheated on me i saw you with a girl just be with her and make her happy!" I shouted at him he looked at me angry

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU Y/N?! IM NOT CHEATING ON YOU!" he yelled at me but nobody saw us because were the only one whos in here

"You were having a sex with a girl vance.. dont lie to me Its over And i know you dont love me" I said to him as a tears were falling down on my cheeks i stand up but he grabbed my wrist i see his eyes were started to fall some tears

"Pls y/n dont leave me.. i was drunk and i love you!" He said to me and i scoff it was a lie he was lying

"Goodluck vance.. i hope you're happy with her.." thats the only thing i said then i left in the room
I came in the library i found my spot and i sit in the chair and put my head on the table after some few minutes i feel a hand on my shoulder i look to see its robin hes my bestfriend he looked worried about me he sit next to me

"What happened hermosa why are you crying?" He asked i tried to hold my tears but it came out i cried he looked so worried he pulled me for a hug he hugged me tightly

"H-he cheated on me..." i said sound like a cracking voice

"I-i am sorry about that amor" he said while still hugging me
Its hard to move on but im the one who break up with him because he cheated

The class already started i wiped my tears away i sit next to robin i didn't want to sit with vance then i saw a girl sit next to him and kissed him in the cheek i looked away robin looked at me and he slide his hand down and up in my back to cheer me up i put my head on his shoulder
After class i came in my locker i opened it and i saw a piece of paper and it says
'Its okay mi amor im here for you i Love you' i smiled at it and closed my locker i turn around to see vance were looking at me mad but i turn around and left in the school

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