Why V.H

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"Im breaking up with you y/n.." He said to me my face dropped a tears were falling down on my cheek i wiped it away quickly

"Why" i said to him fading

"You were always with robin you dont even hang out with me, its looks like you have more time for him" he said to me i looked at him

"But vance i always hang out with you! But you were always with your friends" i said to him he scoff

"Whatever y/n its over get out of my house" he said to me that made my heart broke i nodded and pack my things and left at his house crying

I knocked at robin door and he opened it he saw my tears he hug me quickly tight i hugged back we slowly push away eachother then he spoke

"What happened hermosa?" He said i let out of sigh

"H-he broke up w-with" i said to him he looked worried

"Im so sorry amor come in" he said then i came inside and sit on the sofa
We began to talk something

Vance pov

I broke up with her because she is cheating on me with robin obviously shes always with him but i think its not a good idea that i broke up with her
Theres a school tomorrow i needed to be ready and im fixing my bed because y/n left here i have no cuddle tol someone i just broke up with my girl
I started to look around in my room then i notice something theres a picture of me and y/n when we cuddle and kissed a tears were fall down on my cheek i wiped it away quickly

"Shit" i said to my self angry i covered my face trying not to cry i took my hands off my face and looked at the picture again but i accidentally got a memories on my head of me and y/n

"Get the fuck out of my fucking head!" I said after a few minutes i picked the picture and throw it on the wall and it was broken i just destroyed my picture of me and y/n but it doesn't matter because were over but i kinda miss her

Y/n pov

"Umm bruce??" I said to him walking closer he then turns around and looked at me

"Do you have any friends that i can hang out?" I asked him he nodded

"Boys?" He asked i nodded

"Ye i have a friend that can hang out with you, you guys will probably be good couple" he said as he laughs i rolled my eyes at hin playfully and smiled at him

"Sure because im single haha thanks by the way bruce see ya tom" i said to him he nodded and walked away

Skip time

"Hey y/n this is cameron i already told him your name and you can hang out with him always" bruce introduced Cameron to me i smiled at him he smiled back hes so handsome

"Bye you two have fun" bruce said walking away waving as bye
I looked at cameron and then we started to talk eachother we were talking through the park we started to get some popcorn and went to the carnival everything was fun i just meet him hes my bestfriend now every bruce friends do respect girls and good to hangout with. Not like vance who were disrespect

Skip time

"Thank you so much for hangout with me today cameron! I really appreciate and enjoyed it i hope we see eachother again!" I said to him he smiled at me and hugged me tightly am i falling inlove? I hugged back then we let go slowly

"See ya at school y/n" he said i nodded then we walked home together
I came home and then lay on my bed thinking what was happened i hope it happened again i love now hangout with him its getting dark so i started to sleep

I came in the school today i was walking through my locker then i came in the classroom i sat next to robin he was sobbing from his pain

"Hey are you okay?" I asked him he nodded as no

"Vance just sliced a sharp knife on my wrist" he said to me my blood boil i stand up and went out of class i saw vance standing theres with his friends

"Why the fuck did you hurt robin for?!" I shouted at him everybody looked at us

"Why are you so worried about your goddamn boyfriend" he said as his friends laugh i slapped him in the face he then pushed me on the ground

"Just get away from me cheater!" My heart sank what he said he just called me a cheater i didn't even cheated on him never a tear were falling down on my cheeks

"You broke up with me because you though i cheated on you" i said to him

"Its fucking true y/n you were cheating on me with robin" he said to me his friends were laughing at me

"Robin is just my bestfriend nothing else! He was like a brother to me!" I shouted at vance i then quickly stand up walked away crying

Skip time after class

After class i pick up my bag i was walking then someone stop infront of me and it was cameron

"Oh hey cameron" i said to him smiling while my mouth was closed we both walked together home we both said goodbye, me and cameron have been hangout in a week weve been getting close and then one day he asked me something

"Y/n can you be my girlfriend?" Cameron asked me to be his girlfriend i was shocked

"Yes!" I said then i hugged him tightly he hugged back i slowly pulled off then he kissed me passionately i kissed back

No one pov

Vance found out that one of bruce friend y/n dating hes heart sank when he heard that y/n got a boyfriend sometimes vance saw them kissing hugging and everything hes jealous of it but y/n keeps ignoring him not looking at vance not talking to him it makes his heart broke about it he would cry because he miss y/n kissing him cuddle with him touching her everything he loves to do to y/n he regret breaking up with her

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