Abusive V.H

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In this story you had a abusive father, vance is your stalker he always use to follow you where you go and he always hide in your closet watches you changing or how you sleep and he saw you had a abusive father.


Warning: self harm, abusive, angst

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I was walking home i feel someone is following me its night and its so dark im scared i turn around and i see nobody is following me so i continue walking home

I came in my room i put the books in my table i locked the door and take my clothe off and my bra i heard something in the closet i looked at it and put my bra and clothe back i walked slowly to the closet to open it but i heard my dad yelling my name shit. Not again.

"Y/N!!!" i heard my dad yelling in angry tone i came downstairs i saw his face he is really angry he was holding a vodka

"WHY YOU DIDN'T DO THE FUCKING DISHES?!!!" he yelled so angry at me i started to panick

"Sorry dad i just came home" i said to him he started to throw the bottles on my head and it hits on my head so badly a tears were falling down on my cheek because of the pain of my head and its bleeding

He started to pull my hair and throw me on the wall my back is so hurts he picked me up and throw me in his room he locked the door and started to beat me up i yelled at him to stop but he continue beating me until i pass out.

Vance pov

God her body is hot.
Until i heard her father calling her name which is annoying she didn't continue changing i saw her she went downstairs i opened the closet and went out of room so i hide so she cant see me her dad is yelling at her i felt bad then i saw her dad throw a bottles at her head i was shocked she fell on the floor in pain and her head was bleeding her dad picked her up and went upstairs i started to hide quickly in the closet i hide it and looked at the little crack on the closet door

I saw her dad throw her on the wall he locked the door and started beating her i closed my mouth in shocked and bite it i didn't know she had abusive father.

I closed my eyes biting hard my hand so i can't scream to stop him.

I saw her body was weak she had alot of wounds in her body Where is her mother? Did her mother left her? Or her mother died? I just wish she can live with me

After her father beat her he left on the room i saw y/n her body was very weak i dont know what to do right now should i leave? Or should i help her? I dont know

I opened the closet and picked her up then i went on her room quickly so her dad won't see me i locked the door and clean her wounds and i picked the blanket and put it on her while she is sleeping i kissed her on her forehead and turn off the lights and jumped out of her window then i went home

Y/n pov

I wake up in the morning from my alarm i was alittle bit shocked why i am here on the bed i remember being beating up by my father i was laying on the floor my body was weak on that time and then i faint

I then get shower and changed i walked downstairs hoping my father is on his work thank gosh he was not here

I then went in school i was wearing long sleeve so they can't see my wounds and cuts on my wrist.

I went on the class room and sit on the empty chair with table of course (lol)

Then i feel someone is staring at me i turn around and i saw vance is standing there smiling at me like close mouth i smiled back like him then i turn around

After a few seconds someone sit next to me and i saw it was vance why he is really nice to me today? He used to bully me and made fun of me

"Whats wrong with you today?" I said to him as i laugh

"Nothing, why i can't be nice to you today?" He said with laugh

"I dont know" i said to him as i smiled and looked back at the black board while smiling happily i saw the teacher came in and told us to open the book page 27

After school

Me and vance both went out of class and school

I was walking home then went on my house and my dad started to beat me again until night i feel very weak..

Vance pov

I hide in the closet again watches how her dad beat her up in the room again good thing i brought my taser

I saw y/n lips were bleeding and her head i think its time

I saw y/n picked up the knife and point it at her father

"YOU ARE NOT A HUMAN!" she yells at her father as her father laughs at her evil her father stole the knife from her she fell down on the floor stepping back

I opened the closet and went slowly to her father because her father was about to stab her i closed my eyes i quickly attack him with the taser then he fell on the floor shaking i opened my right eye and looked at her she was shocked

"V-vance?" She said with crack voice i put the taser in my pocket and picked her up

"V-vance w-what are you d-doing here?" She asked

"i explain later honey" i said to her as i kiss her forehead

I went out of her house then put her on my mom car and drive away we went on my house i picked her up again then went on my room i placed her on my bed then kissed her forehead again i love her so much..

I explain everything at her except for that i watches her while she was changing shit.

I clean her wounds and her head because it was bleeding

"Can you shower by yourself?" I asked her she said no i let out of sigh

"You cant walk?" She nodded

"Look my mom is a nurse and i think she can help you let me call her" i said as i stand up and called my mom her name was valerie

My mom came inside and helped y/n with her medicine and anything that can help (which is idk what its called💀)

My mom came outside in the room and started to ask me

"Who is that beatiful girl? Is she your girlfriend or something?" She says as she laughs at me i blushed hard

"No mom but i like her. No i mean i love her" I said to my mom

"Aww my boy is inlove, you should ask her on a date" she said as she smiled best mom ever!

"I will soon mom" i said to her as i smiled and my mom walked away

After 6 days

Its been 6 days and y/n is now walking we hangout everyday and she is so beatiful god i love her so much i think i should ask her to be my girlfriend

She was sitting on my bed reading some book i walked closer to her

"Y/n can you stand up? I wanna ask you something" she nodded and stand up infront of me i let out of sigh

"Y/n i really really like you since its the first day of school im really sorry when i used to bully you or made fun of you that day I've always wanted to tell you that i love you so much" i said to her she was shocked

"Can you be my girlfriend?" I ask her i started to panick she was still shocked then she looked at me sad why?

"I-im sorry vance but no" she said my smile faded away


"JUST KIDDING!" she said as she kissed me passionately i kissed back

"I love you more baby" she said as she kissed me again

"Yes i will be your girlfriend" she said then i smiled happy

I got now what i wanted in my life.
She was the love of my life.

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