Then who am I? B.H

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"Umm.. baby can you come here for a second? I wanna talk to you.."
I heard brady said to me i let a sigh and came to my room he was in there

"Can you lock the door" he said then i nodded i locked the door and came closer to him he let out of sigh and looked at me i was expecting what was gonna happen right now

"I love you so much y/n" he said that i smiled at him i really do love him too

"I love you more brady" i said as i kiss him in the cheek he hugs me tight i hugged back but suddenly he let go of me and walked in the door

"Umm brady?" I said fading he looked at me sad like he was about to cry

"Umm sorry y/n" he said i dont know anything why he is apologising to me

"Im breaking up with you.." he said and walked out of the door and closed it my face dropped a tears were falling down on my cheek i heard him slammed the door i fell on my knees crying he didn't deserve my tears and suddenly my phone is ringing i wipe my tears away and picked the phone and answer it

"Hey y/n do you wanna- Wait are you alright?" I heard its tristan i guess he heard i was sobbing a little bit i think he heard it

"Ye im Okay" i said in a cracking voice he didn't need to be worried about me

"You can tell me everything y/n.. and by the way do you wanna come with us? Were having a sleepover there will be maddy and becca" he said to me I decided to come because im alone in my house brady was not here he dumped me

"Ok i will come but what time?" I asked him

"You need to be here at 6:00 pm" he said i need to be ready right now

"Ye okay see ya later thank you again tristan" i said to him he said Okay bye and he hung up
Its 5:2 pm right now i needed to be ready i took a shower and picked some clothes with skirt

"Ye okay see ya later thank you again tristan" i said to him he said Okay bye and he hung upIts 5:2 pm right now i needed to be ready i took a shower and picked some clothes with skirt

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I picked this i decided to do my hair and picked the key and left the house i was driving and going in tristan house
I came in tristan house like 5:44 pm i knocked at the door and it was answered by miguel he smiled at me
"Hey y/n come in" he said as i come in and said thank you to him i walked to the sofa and sit in it i knew everybody was in tristan room except miguel and me he sit next to me

" how are you and brady?" He asked its a dumb question i guess brady didn't tell them

"Oh me and brady? Were already break up didn't he tell you guys?" I said to him
A little bit brave he was shock

"Oh i-im sorry about that he didn't tell us" he said i nodded at him and looked down i feel his arms in my back cheering me

"You look good in your outfit i like it" he said i smiled at him i said thank you to him

Miguel pov

I got so excited when i see y/n she really looks beatiful and she looked so good in her outfit i like her hair so much i think im falling inlove well i dont care because her and brady are break up

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