Jealous D.

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So in this story your a lesbian donna is your ex but you miss her so much and she said she miss you too and she dont know that you're coming in the meeting you caught him with finney

Today come coming to the meeting with gwen and robin i know finney was already in the meeting so we came there and drive away we came in the school and we go to the meeting in the gym the principal gonna tell us the rules in the school i dont know why
We came there i caught gwen looking at me i put my hands infront of my head with 2 piece hand pretending i was shot

She chuckles and turn her head away from me i just keep listening what they were saying i was kinda hungry i was holding the lunch box that donna gave me before we go they left first with finney i was thinking about it are they together? She said ...

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She chuckles and turn her head away from me i just keep listening what they were saying i was kinda hungry i was holding the lunch box that donna gave me before we go they left first with finney i was thinking about it are they together? She said she missed me too we decided to comeback together but i forgot about it it was 10 minutes and i see finney and donna her head was in finney shoulder kissing her head and finney arms around her shoulder i look at her like i was about to cry

She chuckles and turn her head away from me i just keep listening what they were saying i was kinda hungry i was holding the lunch box that donna gave me before we go they left first with finney i was thinking about it are they together? She said ...

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I knew it thats why they left first.. it hurts i just walk out and didn't even listening what they saying i came in the gate and just sit there robin and gwen knows that i am lesbian they support me but finney doesn't know it i never tell him that we were just bestfriend but she stole my girl but we are not together and then i feel someone walking towards to me i see donna "i didn't knew you were coming." She said then i sigh and get up and gave to her the lunch box she gave me

"W-why i thought you want it" she said "I decided to come in the school i know how rules are very important in school i cancel not to come in my friends house" i said to her she just look at me worried "I knew it thats why you left first you guys ...

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"W-why i thought you want it" she said "I decided to come in the school i know how rules are very important in school i cancel not to come in my friends house" i said to her she just look at me worried "I knew it thats why you left first you guys are dating?!" I said to her "No were not dating!" She yelled at me i was mad "Then why is he kissing you?! Touching you?!" I yelled to her "because I like him! I DONT WANT TO BE LESBIAN ANYMORE AND YOU BROKE UP WITH ME REMEMBER?!" She yelled at me like the whole class can heard it but nobody was in there i was hurt.
Then a second after what she said robin and gwen came to us "what happened? I heard yelling." Robin said i just look at him like nothing happened

" Robin said i just look at him like nothing happened

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"Nothing and why are you guys here?" I asked them "nothing we heard just yelling did something happened?" Gwen said i took a sigh "i said nothing" when i said that i left them and walk in the school again i saw finney looking at me i try not to look at him and not making eye contact but im not mad at him he doesn't know that me and donna have a relationship before but i broke up with her a month ago because shes not giving me a time anymore she keeps hangout with finney and not me i was pretty jealous about it.

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