Chapter 7

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My mind was immediately swarmed with hundreds of thoughts.  My small smile faded.  Things with Chris weren't usually so serious, but with the tone of voice he told me that he needed to talk to me, I wondered what this was actually about.  It did not seem as though what he was about to say would be the most gratifying.  

I just about let out an 'okay'.

'Skye, I missed you so damn much.'

Was that it?  Was that all he needed to tell me?  I had missed him more than I could ever admit.  

'I missed you too, so much.'  He just smiled slightly, then looked down at the table.  He was breathing quite heavily.  

'Chris, are you okay?'  I asked him, genuinely worried.  

After a few seconds, he spoke up.  'Um- Skye, there's something else w-we n-need to talk about.'  

NoStop.  It didn't sound good, he didn't sound good either.  I wanted to wrap my arms around him so badly and tell him it was all going to be fine.  'What is it Chris.'  I was getting concerned, he looked as if he was trying to hide his misery by looking at the table below.  'Nick and Matt don't know I'm here, with... you.'  Why was he telling me this?  'I'm just going to say it straight out.' Say what?  Once he said this, he finally looked back up at me, took my left hand away from my drink and held it, tight and compassionately. Butterflies surged my stomach, and my cheeks slightly heated up.  What was he doing?

'Matt and Nick don't want me talking to you.'  Nick too?  I right away burn up harder, but closer to bursting out into tears.  Was he actually just going to walk away?  After everything?  'Every conversation about you turns into an argument, and some with fights, with Matt anyways.  Nick is tired of it.'  A small tear runs down his cheek.  The same happens with me.  I couldn't believe this was actually happening.  'I don't want to hurt you.  I don't want to leave you.'  Don't then Chris.  'You've made my life so crazy in just a few days.  In both the best and worse ways.  Its just like- right now I can't do anything else.  If I keep talking to you it will probably tear my whole family apart.'  He gives my hand a little squeeze.  I couldn't even respond right now.  'I just hope you understand that we can't be together-, I mean, not together-together, just, in each others, y'know, presence, while this is goin' on.  I really hope, so much, that Matt isn't always like this.  And part of me hopes he stops crushing on you too.'  He chuckles guiltily.  I stop him right there.  


'What do you mean what?'

'Why do hope he stops crushing on me?'

'Skye.  I really thought you'd know by now.'

I didn't say anything.

'I like you.'  Oh my god.  'A lot.'


'Don't even say anything.'  And with that he stood up, pulled me up with him and he smashed his lips onto mine.  I never wanted any of these moments with Chris to end, but it lasted a few seconds until there was a loud voice behind us.  


I hated to accept it in my mind, but I knew what was coming next.  

'That was a see you later.'

With that he walked sullenly out of McDonalds, gone, leaving me alone once more. 

He really left me.  Nick and Matt did too.  

But Matt and Chris both like me.  What was I going to do?

note: enter sky emo era 

just kidding

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