Chapter 20

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'Skye'... 'Skye...' There came a faint voice but my mind refused to focus on it. I saw a big mass of bright colours, sparkling vibrancy. In the centre of it all stood a figure, beckoning to me. I climbed my way over to it and saw the face belonged to Chris. He smiled and opened his mouth. Out came a voice not quite like his: 'You know what to do.'

I heard the faint call of my name again but I pushed it away.  Started walking, searching for the face of this Chris but he let no secrets out. He simply repeated that same statement over, and over again.  What did it mean???

'You know what to do.' 'Skye? Skye wake up.'

I slowly came round to consciousness and saw the panicked face of Nick, shining a bright light into to my eyes. Matt was on the phone, screaming at the 911 operator for an ambulance. I tried to tell him I was fine but all that came out was a groan of pain. Nonetheless, I pushed myself up, getting away from them and started hobbling up the stairs.

Chris' pov

I'd heard the commotion downstairs but just dismissed it as usual Nick hysterics. I heard a knock at the door and reluctantly took off my headphones. It was then I noticed the tears that would not stop streaming down my cheek. I wiped them away and answered the door. Skye stood in the doorframe, a lump the size of a grapefruit on her forehead. Before I could even utter a single word she pushed passed me, asserting herself into my room with an act of total confidence she didn't possess ten minutes ago.

'Chris, I have to talk, to you.'  Why now?  'Skye?' I feel my hands shaking with anticipation, and quickly shove them into my pockets.

'I like you' She blurted out, rapidly, her cheeks reddening.  

'You don't.' I knew the truth already, I'd already thought long and hard enough about it, and faced the reality.

'What? What do you mean?' She looked taken aback.

'Because I like you, and I just know, you don't like me, you- you cant.'

'What do you mean?'

'Even when were together, I know you're thinking of him.'


'You know who. The same way you know that deep down you don't like me that way. When I see you two together it feels different than us, together. There's like an electricity in the room, and I just cant shake it, and no matter how hard I try, I can't do that for us. It's just not-'

'But I love you'

'Dude.'  I paused.  'This is it. I won't cry. Starting now I will try to pay back all the karma I owe. I'm leaving, now.  I can't keep stay here.  I know what's going to happen now, and as much as I know the verity, it- it hurts to see.' (heathers west end quote) I pick up my cowboy hat, leaving the room, with Skye in still, alone, left flustered and confused.

As I walk out the room, I bump into Matt, looking worried but instantly relieved as he saw me.  'Have you seen Skye? She-'  'All you ever care about is that girl. Nothings ever about US, me you Nick, anymore and honestly I'm done with it.' I tip my bedazzled cowboy hat at him.

'What the hell do you mean Chris.'

"I'm leaving. Don't know where yet, I guess I'll just go where the wind takes me." With that, I storm out of the house, slamming the door shut, leaving a gobsmacked Matt behind me.

Skye's pov

After 10 minutes, I was still stood in Chris' room, thinking about what he had said to me. all the things he had said, were they true? The electricity he had described, that spark, I felt it too when I was with Matt. I guess I just never paid it any attention until now. When I was with him, it felt- different. It felt right.

When Matt walked into the room, tears staining his perfect cheeks, I threw my arms around him, burying my head into the crook of his neck.  'I'm so sorry' I sobbed, sagging helplessly into his arms.  'It was you. it was always you. I knew it, deep down all along.'  He sank down to the floor, taking me with him inside his warm embrace. I could feel his body pressing against mine, shaking as he wept with me.  We stayed in that position for a while; our bodies intertwined, the only sound our quiet whimpers and sobs as we took in all the things that have happened in the past day. Chris was gone, and we didn't know if he was going to return, after everything. Nick had vanished too, in a puff of smoke, but we all knew he was going to see Kyler, as usual, probably updating him.

Finally, our comforting silence was broken.

'Skye...' Matt said.  'The way I feel about you, it's like nothing I've ever felt before.  I can't stop thinking about you, I can't get you out of my head, even why I try the most.  The thought of you being with someone else stabs me straight in the chest. I- love you Skye. So much.'

He must have thought I didn't hear him, because he started to repeat what he had just said.  I was just in shock, how could I have missed this much?  'Skye, I-'

I cut him off, my feelings taking over, my lips pressing against his. Almost instantly, he came to life in my arms, running his hands through my hair as we kissed. This feeling, it was sweet, passionate. Our bodies moved in unison as the time went on. Time stopped around us. Every other thing in the world became obsolete. Our kiss became something more, a feeling of complete-ness, like it was meant to be. We were meant to be. Even after all this time, we both knew. Maybe him a little longer than me, but I was just happy I figured it out eventually.

When I finally pulled away, Matt's face moved with mine.

'I need to breathe, idiot.' I smiled, staring deep into his beautiful blue eyes.

' I smiled, staring deep into his beautiful blue eyes

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-skyes final look x

note: this is the final chapter, thank u all for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (surprise-- there will be an epilogue though get ready xx)

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