Epilogue ((Chris)tmas special)

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3 years and a bit later -- December 23

Tis the season to be jolly.

But all really is not jolly when I remember that I will have to attend Nick and Kyler's wedding the following day, on Christmas eve.

Chris is on his way back from NYC as we speak, and it was going to be the first time we are reunited since the night he left, taking nothing but his guitar, and setting off to pursue a career in acting. And he did exactly what he said he would do. Currently starring in a Broadway show, and that was where he met his best friend Bike Laist. Nick told me he would also be attending the wedding so I would get to meet him. (I know it's so much of a normal name originally I thought someone was messing with me all broadway stars usually have peculiar ones). Nick hasn't seen Chris since then either, they were supposed to meet up before the wedding but apparently Chris' schedule was far too busy to go. With the acting and everything. They've only talked every couple of months on the occasional facetime, which I thought was heartbreaking. They were so close. And I detested the thought that I had some element of involvement in that.

But, Nick and Kyler are THE couple goals. They are so in love I have a slight envy about their relationship. It was never that effortless, painless and utterly flawless in my love life, especially when Matt and Chris were involved. That time in my life was something I used to lay in bed at night, staring at the ceiling, wishing to forget.

My gut was telling me the wedding itself would not be as effortless, painless and utterly flawless as the years Kick had spent together leading up to it and how it was intended to be.

December 24 -- the day of the wedding

5 hours before the wedding

Kyler had already left to go to the wedding, he was going to get ready in a private room at the venue. However, I was left home alone, with around an hour before I would have to leave, not stressing. Simply overthinking. Getting ready for one of the most memorable days of my life.

It was snowing outside

I forgot to mention a slight detail as well. Matt and I got into a little, tiny, minuscule argument during the planning of the wedding, a few weeks ago. We have not spoken since. Not a word. Not a text. Despite the fact we are playing crucial roles in making this wedding run smoothly and magically. It is ironic how tying together one pair's love can rip apart another's. I hated to admit it, but I missed him a lot. It sucked not having anyone to talk to. I mean I did have Nick and Kyler usually, but with the wedding I did not want to burden them or ruin anything. It was my job, as an organiser, and as a friend and someone who truly cares, that it goes amazing. A day that everyone will remember, of love.

Obviously, Matt will be at the wedding. I've decided to simply just stick to the decorations and he will stick will his hiring and guest lists, and Nick's parents assist with the rest.

Not to mention Chris and Bike Laist.

Suddenly, there was a loud thud on the door.

Time stopped.

I arose from my dressing table, in a fluster, and made my way to my door. Sprinting clumsily down the stairs, falling into things on the way in a panic. Who could it be? Kyler and Nick were already at the venue, and Matt most likely gave them a lift, being the uber the majority of the time, even still after these 3 years. So he would also be at the venue with them, probably helping set up early.

I reached for the cold door handle, shaking, and pulled the broad door open.

There stood the face I was partially dreading, and partially longing to see.

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