C H A P T E R 1

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I pushed my curtains aside and opened the window after I tied my hair in a ponytail and played 'I wanna dance with somebody by Whitney Houston' on the radio that's on my nightstand.

Today I decided to clean my room since I'm bored and have nothing to do.

Clock strikes upon the hour
And the sun begins to fade
Still enough time to figure out
How to chase my blues away
I've done alright up to now
It's the light of day that shows me how
And when the night falls, loneliness calls

I grabbed my hairbrush from my dresser and started using it as a mic.

Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me
Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me

I sang loudly on my hairbrush and danced around my room as the music played loudly, forgetting to clean my room.

I've been in love and lost my senses
Spinning through the town
Sooner or later, the fever ends
And I wind up feeling down
I need a man who'll take a chance
On a love that burns hot enough to last

I stand on my bed and jump on. "So, when the night falls. My lonely heart calls!" Then I heard a few voices calling me from my window followed by a whistling duck. "Adelaide!"

I jumped from my bed and went to my window and saw my friends grinning and smirking at me.

"So, when's the concert, El?" Connie smirked at me. I blushed from embarrassment as I think I must sound like an idiot while singing.

"I'm sure we get a free ticket to her concert, right El?" Averman snickered, and the rest of them laughed.

"My ears hurt every time I heard her singing from my garage," Banks said while scrunching his face, I just rolled my eyes at him, not in the mood to argue with him.

"Will you guys stop it? I'm just going to clean my room and I forgot it." I groaned, then my eyebrows rose as I wondered what they were all doing here.

As if they read my mind Charlie spoke up. "Coach Bombay's back." I felt my cheeks heat up as he grinned at me. My feelings for him grew this summer, and Connie always teased me about it.

I regret telling her about it.

I nodded before turning away from my window, grabbing my roller skates, and my protection gears, then leaving my room.


"Guys, it's an international competition, It's us against the world!" Banks yelled, putting his hands up in the air excitedly while smiling as I skated in between him and Charlie.

"Hey, man bring 'em on, We're ready!" Goldberg clapped his hands as he excitedly said it.

Then suddenly Charlie tried to balance himself as Goldberg held his arm, trying his best not to fall on the ground but ended up falling somewhere else.

I held Charlie's arm, steadying him and keeping him from falling to the ground. "Thanks." He huffed. 

"Anytime," I replied with a smile before glancing to where Goldberg disappeared.

"He's not a bad skater but he needs to practice more." They all agreed with my statement then Goldberg suddenly appeared out of nowhere, breathing heavily.

"Hey, Goldy enjoyed your time in the wonderland?" I snickered, and they all burst out laughing. It surprised me that Banks was also laughing at my joke which was unusual.

"So, El how's Aunt Tessie doing?" Connie asked, she and my aunt became close since she always comes and hangs out in my house.

"You asked how my aunt's doing and you didn't ask your best friend how she's doing." I dramatically gasped and put my hand on my heart, she tilted her head up as she laughed. "Fine, how are you doing my lovely bestie?"

She laughed again as I cringed at her words. "I'm doing good, and Aunt Tess, you know always busy at work."

"Let's race?" Banks interjected, smiling smugly at me. "Oh, you're on Banks" I replied, mirroring his expression.

Then they all cheered as we both started racing but we suddenly stopped as we saw Larson, McGill, and the blond boy who I didn't even know who it is, were tied up against the tree and naked, only their boxers were covering them up and standing beside them was Fulton who was holding their clothes.

"That'll teach ya to mess with the Ducks! Yeah!" He yelled while proudly raising his hands with their clothes. We all cheered for Fulton. "Get them, Fulton!" I exclaimed while laughing.

Then we all continued skating but with Fulton this time.

Charlie blew the duck whistle as we spotted our coach. "Ducks! Ducks! Ducks!" We repeatedly chanted it as we all huddled up around Bombay.

"Welcome back, Ducks. I really missed you guys. Are you ready to fly?!" He said, hyping us.

"Yeah!" We all enthusiastically replied.

We all stopped as we heard a honk, glancing around to where the sound was and saw a limousine stopping in front of us. Then the man appeared from the roof of the limousine. "Hey, guys! I'm Don Tibbles, Hendrix Hockey Apparel. We're your official sponsors. Anybody wants a card?"

Then they all went to him, eagerly taking the card, I glanced at Charlie who was standing beside me. We looked at each other and both shrugged before going to get the card as well.

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