C H A P T E R 13

874 17 12

We had a practice off of the ice the next morning. Everyone was getting irritated especially at Dean Portman's orders and Coach Bombay hadn't even bothered to show up.


That was sarcasm if you couldn't tell.

How do I expect us to win against the Iceland if our coach was not being cooperative?

Goldberg stood up straight from stretching. "I say mutiny. Who's with me?"

"Goldberg, I'm too tired for mutiny." Dwayne panted.

"Come on, guys, it's not like we couldn't use the conditioning," Julie spoke up, glaring at the other bash brother.

"Speak for yourself, babe." I grimaced as Dean called her that and saw him checking her out.

I saw Banks stand up straight from the stretching. "Her name is Julie, not 'babe'."

"Don't tell me how to talk, rich boy!" The tall lad exclaimed, shoving Banks.

I stood up in front of Banks. "Hey! Can you not do that?"

"Ooh, you're gonna punch me now as you did to Sanderson for protecting your little boyfriend? Believe me, that was hot."

Before I could even deny what Dean said about Banks being my boyfriend, Conway and Banks including Fulton started yelling at Portman.

"Hey, Portman, chill!"

"Don't call her that!"

Banks and Conway began shoving Portman with everyone behind them, trying to restrain the fight between Portman against the two boys including the other bash brother.

Connie and I just stood away from them, not wanting to get included in a fight.

"Yo, Team U.S.A., what are you gonna do today? A million jumping jacks?" Some kid yelled at us, stopping the fight between the guys.

"This kid's crazier than me. Forget about him. Look, Fulton!" The bash brother said, ignoring the kid's presence.

"They're so childish," I muttered to Connie.

"Hey, man, I'm gettin' sick of you!" Jesse shouted at the kid.

"I'm gettin' sick of seeing the U.S.A represented by a bunch of whining babies." I snorted at that.

Not gonna lie, that was hilarious.

"See? Now that some kid thinks we're a bunch of whining babies." I spoke up, gesturing my hand toward the boy.

"Too bad you can't back up that mouth." Jesse fired back.

"Me and my boys can take you anytime, anywhere."

I pursed my lips as I watch the argument folded between Jesse and the kid.

Jesse scrunched his face. "I don't see no 'boys'."

"I got 'em waitin'. Grab your gear and let's go play some schoolyard puck." The kid challenged. "Or maybe you forgot what it's like to play for real pride."

The security ran up to the kid. "You got a pass?"

"It's not too far, you little wimps. Hey, get off me, man!" The boy shouted as the security began pulling him away.

"Hey, El what are you doing?" Conway asked as I walked away to follow the kid, shrugging at him.

"We could use some practice. Besides Coach Bombay's not here right?" I grinned before walking away with my team behind me to follow the kid.


We all gathered around the basketball court that they used for rollerblading. Facing the kid's 'boys.'

"My little brother Russ here's been telling me that you have been chokin' big time."

Jesse spoke up as we all didn't say anything. "Well, your brother's got a big mouth."

I bit the inside of my cheeks as the boys in front of us didn't say anything, just staring at us with intimidating expressions.

"Uh-oh," Goldberg said.

The boy stared down at his brother before speaking up. "He does, doesn't he?" His little brother just smiled and shrugged at him.

"Oh boy," Goldberg sighed with relief along with the boys behind him.

"Anyway, we thought we'd call you all to see what you got." The boy said, followed by his little brother. "Yeah, we know you can talk to the press and sign autographs and stuff."

"We can do more than that," I spoke up, slightly tilting my head to my side.

"Oh yeah? We can teach you to play like a real Team U.S.A." The boy said.

"What would you know about it?" Dean asked with a scrunch on his face.

The boy stared back at his friends before looking at us with a smirk on his face.

We played for like an hour. The 'schoolyard puck' as the kid called it which by the way his name was Russ, is actually fun. It made the team a little better and gave us the motivation to play the game.

While we were playing Russ had to show us his 'knuckle puck' which perfectly shot straight into the goal. And that leaves the amazed Fulton Reed.

Then Russ' brother went to Kenny Wu to show him what do to when someone from the opponent was trying to mess with him.

They did the stick, gloves, and shirt rules at each other until eventually, we had to leave.

We all waved and said goodbye to them as we were getting on the bus.

I sat on the seat and sighed tiredly. I stared at the outside through the window without noticing Charlie sitting next to me.

"I hope we can play with them again." I shifted my eyes to the boy beside me as he spoke up.

"Yeah, not gonna lie they were good players."

We both kept silent while the bus was filled with noises as the boys were messing around with each other.

Then I suddenly remember something. "Hey! you haven't returned my Walkman yet."

"I thought you forgot about that." He groaned, slumping back in his seat.

"So if I didn't mention it you wouldn't return it?" I rose my eyebrows at him, putting on an unamused expression.

"Okay, but to be fair you haven't returned my favorite cap." He smiled smugly at me.

"Oh come on, I thought you'd already forgotten about that?"

"Let's make a deal. I'll return your precious Walkman if you return my favorite cap."

"What if I don't want the deal? Hmm?" His smirk grew up on his lips.

"Then you'll never gonna have your Walkman back." I let out a groan, slumping back in my seat.

"Why do you like my cap so much, by the way?" I felt my cheeks heat up at his question.

"I... Well-"

"Just kiss already lovebirds!" We looked at the ginger boy who was teasingly grinning at us.

"Shut up, Averman." We simultaneously said.

The ginger boy kept teasing us, but I just ignored him trying not to show the red tint on my cheeks while the boy beside me was huffing and shooting Averman a glare.

I shifted my eyes to who was sitting beside the ginger boy.

It was Banks.

And he looks annoyed.

I understand him because Averman can be annoying sometimes.

But I furrowed my brows as I saw him frowning at Charlie, then his eyes shifted to mine. We make eye contact for a moment until he broke it by rolling his eyes at me.

I only bit the inside of my cheeks. Deciding to ignore it, I just only kept my eye shut to take a nap.

[𝟐] 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now