C H A P T E R 2

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"Tell me about my new kids," Our coach said, excited to meet the new members.

"That's Luis Mendoza." Tibbles pointed at the guy who stepped forward. "He's from our Miami club. A real speedster. Incredible skater. I clocked him at 1.9 seconds, blue line to blue line." Tibbles explained then the boy started showing his skill.

I snorted as Guy nudged Averman hard on the chest, falling on the ice.

"He has one minor problem." As Tibbles said that the boy lost control and slid against the boards, falling on the ice.

"Impressive," I commented. The two boys on each side of me who happens to be Banks and Charlie looked at me and raised their eyebrows at me.

"What?" I asked, scrunching my face in confusion. I'm starting to wonder why I am always ending up in between this two.

"Has a little trouble stopping," Tibbles said. 

"I'd say so," Goldberg remarked. The new teammates help Luis stand up. "I almost had it that time." He assured.

"Yee-haw! How is everyone!? Y'all ready to play some puck?" The boy wearing a cowboy hat stepped forward and tossed his cowboy hat.

"Hey, look it's Hopalong Gretzky." We all laughed as Jesse said that.

"That's Dwayne Robertson from Austin. He's the best puck handler I've ever seen." Tibbles said while the boy was showing his skill in handling the puck with his hockey stick.

"You mean for his age."

"No, I don't," Tibbles replied, slightly shooking his head.

"Now that's impressive," I commented again, amazed at how he handled the puck so well. Banks and Charlie glanced and raised their brows at me again, I looked at them back and forth.

"What?! You two are looking at me like I killed someone." I hissed.

"Hey, this is easier than hoping hogs! Yee-haw!" Dwayne exclaimed while doing the tricks, creating a sound of shooting effects with his skates.

"He does have a tendency to showboat." Tibbles proudly said. "Wow" Coach Bombay replied, impressed by the boy's skills as well.

"There's Julie "The Cat" Gaffney. She won the state championship for Maine three years in a row." The girl glanced at us as Tibbles introduced her before slipping her helmet on.

"Hey, Connie." She turned around and glanced at me, I smirked at her. "Another girl in the group." she nodded, mirroring my expression.

"Well, we have a goalie. Goldberg." Coach Bombay turned around and looked at Goldberg who was standing on the goal. "All right! Bring it on, man! I'm ready for this! I'm the man, I'm the man." I scrunched my face as Goldberg did the split.

"Watch this." Tibbles laughed as Julie caught the puck easily.

"She's better than Goldberg. No offense Goldy!" I exclaimed before he could say anything.

"Well, we could use a backup," said Bombay.

Then the Asian boy stepped forward. "Isn't that the kid from the Olympics? The figure skater?" Bombay asked.

"Yup, Ken Wu. What can I say? I convinced him that hockey had more of a future. We put a stick in his hands, and nobody's been able to touch him." Tibbles said as Kenny was doing figure skating tricks while I leaned against the boards.

Then the guy who was singing pushed Charlie hard on the ice as he skated between him and Banks. I laughed, skating in front of him and helping him stand up. "Are you okay?" I asked still laughing, he nodded.

Then the guy continued pushing the others. I don't know but I can't help but laughed.

"C'mon, Tex! Sing it with me!" He wrapped his arm around Dwayne who shooked his head in fear.

Then the guy left him alone and continued pushing the others. And suddenly picked up Kenny and put him on top of the goal.

"Well shit," I muttered as they all gathered around and argued, attempting to pick a fight. Connie and I just stayed behind not wanting to get into trouble.

"This is ridiculous," I muttered to Connie, then the whistle blew off. "Everybody freeze!" They all stopped and kept silent as Bombay yelled.

"Now, we didn't come here to fight! We came here to play hockey! We're team U.S.A, you represent your country."

"Now, I want you-" Coach looked irritated as Tibbles cut him off. "To be all that you can be, right? Ya gotta raise yourself up, guys! Ya got-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as Bombay threw him a glare, causing us to chuckle.

"All right, guys let's start with the scrimmage." Coach Bombay said, ready to blow his whistle but Tibbles beat him to it.

I looked at Connie who was trying to contain her laugh, we both snickered as she saw me containing my laugh as well. I looked back and saw Tibbles handing his whistle to Coach. "You'll get it back at the end of the school term."

"All right, Ducks. Show 'em what you got! Let's scrimmage!" Our coach said, blowing his whistle.

Jesse and Dwayne went to face off. "Great day for hockey, ain't it?"

"Sure is, cowboy," Jesse said, mocking the guy in front of him. As the game begin, Dwayne checked him and got the puck before making his way to the goal. "Yee-haw!"

Mendoza got the puck as someone checked Dwayne, and made his way to the goal, Goldberg panicked when Mendoza was not in a sign of stopping.

"Goldberg, look out!" Bombay warned him but it was too late as the two crashed and fell into the ice.

"Banks!" I called as I passed the puck to him but the guy from earlier, Dean Portman, checked him.

I got the puck after Jesse passed it to me. Julie didn't catch it as I shot it into the net. "Nice one, Adelaide!" Coach shouted proudly.

Banks got the puck next and skated toward the goal, he faked his shot, and Julie slid down the ice as she fell from Banks' tricks, he took that as an advantage and shot the puck into the net.

"Good shot, Adam. Way to show 'em!" Bombay praised, clapping his hands.

"Nice one, Banksie," I grinned, exchanging high-fives with him. We both raised our brows at the realization, that was the only nice interaction we had. We both scoffed before skating away from each other.

Then Fulton got in the middle of the rink, ready to show his famous shot. "Look out!" Bombay shouted, alerting us.

We all quickly skated aside not wanting to get hit by Fulton's shot. I stopped skating as I saw Banks still standing on his spot. "Step aside you idiot. You don't want to get hit by Fulton's shot, do you?" I said, pulling him aside by his arm.

"What a bunch of wusses!" Dean cockily said it but widen his eyes in surprise as Fulton shot the puck, he also steps aside, almost getting hit.

Instead of hitting the net, the puck hit the side of the goal and went to the ceiling also hitting it and then flying its way to Tibbles who was talking to the woman beside him.

"Oh, shit." I gasped as the puck hit hardly Tibbles's head and he went unconscious.

[𝟐] 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now