C H A P T E R 9

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"Ladies and gentlemen, Team U.S.A hockey," Tibbles said on the mic as we all stood around him and Bombay. I was standing in front of Connie with Banks behind me which was a little bit awkward because we are not used to being this close.

"And the man chose to lead them to the gold, Gordon Bombay." We all clapped as Tibbles move aside to let Bombay have the spot. Then a guy who was wearing a bear mascot joined us and took a picture with us.

"You know, it would be funny if I saw you wearing those," I whispered enough for the boy behind me to hear, not averting my eyes away from the bear mascot.

"You wish Cromwell." Banks spat. I don't need to look at him to know that he rolled his eyes at me.

"Team U.S.A., how does it feel competing on the international level here in Los Angeles?" The reporter asked as the bear mascot left us.

Charlie and Goldberg spoke up on the mic, interrupting Bombay.

"Feels good."

"Love it."

I chuckled with a shake of my head at Charlie's response.

Then the next reporter stood up. "Coach Bombay, the Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favorite. Their coach has already guaranteed victory. How are you gonna handle them?"

"Um... Hard work." He simply responds before continuing. "I think our team is ready to go up against the best in the world..."

Bombay's speech became blurred in my mind as I saw a group of blond men blankly staring at us with only a girl beside them.

As I noticed I was the only one noticing their presence, I shook Banks' arm slightly.

"What?" He annoyingly asked. I didn't say a word just staring at the group of blonds twice our size. His eyes followed where I was staring.

"Don't tell me they're the Icelands."

Banks didn't get to speak as our friends suddenly start clapping, meaning Coach Bombay ended his speech.

"Team U.S.A.'s going down." Everyone went silent as one of the groups of blond men spoke up which I guess was their coach.

"That's where you're going."

We all exchanged glances in disbelief, especially my friends as they noticed our opponent in hockey was bigger than us and more burly.

"See you on the ice, Bombay!" The Iceland coach exclaimed, staring intensely at us.

"That guy's a dentist?" I heard Kenny ask.

"That was his nickname," Charlie replied, still staring at the team Icelands. "Played one year of pro, and collected more teeth than goals. He even punched out his coach."

"Well, I hope he's not punching one of his players," I said as Banks and I walked past them.

"Yup, they're the team Iceland's. Our opponent." Banks sighed as he stroll to my side.

"That's so unfair! I mean they're burly than us! Now I'm predicting we're not easily going to win against them." I ranted.

"Nah I think we will win." I looked at the boy who just shrugs at his words.

"And why is that Banks?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Because the team got me." He replied, smirking down at me.

"You're so full of yourself, Adam Banks." I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him before leaving him to walk in between Connie and Julie not without hearing him chuckled at my words.


I groaned as I woke up from the music blasting on the other side of the room.

"What the hell, what time is it?" I checked the clock and saw it was midnight.

I covered my head with a pillow, trying to go back to sleep but unfortunately, I can't because of the loud music playing on the other side of the room.

"El, can you knock on whatever's room was playing the music, and ask them to shut it off?"

"Why can't you do it, Connie?" I groaned.

"Because I'm lazy to get up." She replied in her husky voice.

"Julie?" I glanced at the blonde-haired girl who was laying on the bed across from us.

"Nope, not gonna do it."

"Ugh, fine." I sighed, getting up from my bed and leaving the dorm.

I went to the dorm where I heard the music playing which I guess was the bash brothers. I was gonna knock on it but the music suddenly died down.

I sighed in relief and went to go back to my dorm to sleep but stopped as I saw Banks standing outside his dorm in his pajamas.

I scrunched my face. "What are you doing?"

"I was gonna ask for the music to stop because it disturbed my sleep." He replied, narrowing his eyes at me. "What are you doing?"

"I was gonna do the same but they turned it down before I even knock on their door."

Silence engulfed us as we just stared at each other.

"Uh, I should go to bed now," I muttered, walking past him to where my dorm was.

Then he called me before I touch the doorknob.

"Uh, El... Good night."

I was surprised at the nickname he gave me. Yeah I know everyone called me by that nickname but he never called me that it's always the surname.

"It's already midnight now Banks," I said, letting out a breathy laugh. "But uh good night."

I smiled which was unusual for him before going inside my dorm.

I leaned up against the door, putting my hands on my chest as I felt my heart throbbing.

What the hell just happened?

[𝟐] 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now