C H A P T E R 18

765 16 8

After about a half-hour of searching and incessant bickering, we finally found the clinic.

The nurse approached us as we walked into the clinic and asked what happened.

The nurse nodded as I explained and told her the story of how Banks got his arm injured.

Why the hell am I the one who's telling her a story? It should be Banks, not me.

Now I feel like a freaking mother who's bringing her kid to the clinic.

The nurse gestured for us to sit on the waiting chair and walked away.

We didn't say anything as we sat on the chair, waiting. Banks was slouching against the chair, while I sat up straight and didn't look at him.

Then I felt someone lightly squish my cheeks. I moved my sight to Banks and noticed he was beaming at me.

"What?" I frowned, caressing the cheeks he pinches after letting it go.

He shook his head. "Nothing, you're just really cute."

"I'm not." I huffed, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, come on, can you not be annoyed with me for like 5 minutes?"

"Well, I'm sorry if I can't help but be annoyed with you for no damn reason."

He chuckled, sitting up straight and dangerously close to me.

"I think I know why you're annoyed with me, Cromwell." He whispered.

"And why is that Banks?" I whispered back, raising my brows at him in a challenging manner.

He let out a chuckle, looking me straight in the eyes. "It's because you can't accept the fact that you liked the kiss."

I blinked at him for a moment, feeling my cheeks heat up before backing away a little.

"You wish, Banks." I spat, rolling my eyes at him.

"Denied whatever you want, I just know you liked it because of the way you kissed back without hesitation." He let out a laugh as he saw my face looked like a tomato now.

"Oh, shut up, Banks."

We both stopped as we heard someone clear their throat, we looked up to see the nurse standing in front of us with her clipboard in her arms.

"Uh, Adam Banks is ready for the X-ray now." She awkwardly Informed before began walking to the room, expecting the boy to follow her.

Banks stood up from beside me, winking at me before walking away to follow the nurse.

As he was out of sight, I leaned against my hands propped on my knees, groaning quietly.

What has this boy done to me?

Because I suddenly felt some butterflies in my stomach whenever he was around.


We were on our way to our dorms now after the doctor had placed a sling arm on Banks' shoulder. It was unpleasant because neither of us spoke up; I glanced to my left and saw him frowning down at his arms.

I pursed my lips before deciding to speak up.

 "You know you didn't have to try hard to prove yourself to your dad," I remarked, glancing down at my shoes.

"What?" He asked, surprise evident in his voice.

"I mean, you don't need to prove yourself anymore because you're already good enough. If your dad didn't see that then that's his problem." 

When Banks didn't react, we walked in silence again.

We both came to a halt in front of my dorm, staring at one other for a brief period.

"I should go to sleep now," I muttered, pointing to the door with my thumb. I turned back to open the door when he nodded, but I came to a halt when he spoke out.

"Uh, El." He said, slightly increasing his voice.

"Yeah?" I replied, turning around swiftly.

He walked in front of me without saying anything and smash his lips to mine. I kissed him back without hesitation, putting both of my hands on each side of his neck.

Oh my God.


The next day we were on the rink, practicing again but except Banks this time, but he was still wearing his U.S.A jacket. We were having a tug of war while Banks was just chillingly skating around. 

I was having a tug of war with Connie when I noticed Banks standing alongside Coach, watching me. He threw me a wink and a smirk when he noticed I was staring at him.

I became distracted and didn't notice Connie pulling the ropes harder, leading me to fall on the ice.

"Hey!" I called out to her.

"You should focus more on this, El, instead of something else, or should I say someone," she joked as she helped me stand up. I followed her gaze to where she was gazing and noticed Banks grinning faintly.

"So, you and him, huh?" She asked, teasingly smiling.

I awkwardly laughed, shooking my head slightly. "What? No, nothing is going us between Banks and me."

"El, I didn't even mention a name." She suddenly burst out laughing. I let out a loud huff before walking away from embarrassment, ignoring her calls.

[𝟐] 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now