C H A P T E R 10

863 19 2

The crowd cheered as the team U.S.A won again against Italy.

"Yes!" I cheered, tackling my friends in a hug, especially the two girls. "We won again!"

After the game against the team Italy, we all took off to our dorms to freshen up.

"Hey, guys wanna stroll around the place?"

"Guy and I are gonna have a date," Connie said, fixing her hair and her flowery dress.

I groaned. "A date? Really?"

"Yeah because we didn't spend much time together since we always focus on our game."

"That's understandable." I nodded then glanced at Julie. "How about you Julie?"

"Oh, I'm gonna talk to Coach Bombay about something." She replied.

I groaned before plopping down on the mattress. "So I'm the only one who will stroll around here in Los Angeles?"

The two girls shrugged at me. "Or you can ask Charlie to tag along with you."

"I think he's busy, Connie."

"Then ask Banks."

I frowned at the thought of Banks and I going out together.

As the two girls left to do whatever they're gonna do, I left the dorm, locking it before leaving the building to stroll by myself.

The first thing that came to my mind was to buy an ice cream sandwich.

As I arrived at the ice cream parlor I saw Banks by himself standing at the counter, buying ice cream. What's worse is that he brought an ice cream sandwich. My favorite.

"Hi, can I get one like his as well, please?" I said to the cashier which startled Banks.

"Hi there Banksie," I looked up at him with a faked smile on my face.

"What are you doing here now, Cromwell?" He glowered down at me.

"Why? am I not allowed to come here and buy some ice cream?" I paid the cashier as he gave me the ice cream sandwich, thanking him before leaving out of the ice cream parlor with Banks following behind me.

"So, strolling around the place by yourself?"

"You asked too many questions." I groaned. "But yes because the two girls are busy."

"And yet you still answered my questions." I looked at the boy beside me and saw a smug smile on his face.

I ignored him and changed the topic. "So I see you've always bought the ice cream sandwich."

He looked down at the sandwich he was holding before looking back at me again. "It's my favorite." He said with a shrug.

"Really?" I asked, unconsciously smiling at him.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because it's my favorite too!" He laughed at my reaction. "So that's why I saw you always buy that thing."

"Hey, I heard there's an amusement park around here. Wanna go there?" I asked. I don't know what came into my mind but I was hoping he would say yes to my offer.

He shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

I grinned at him before taking us to where the amusement park.

As we reached our destination, we immediately went on the roller coaster.

"Nope, I'm not gonna ride that thing." Banks said, backing away from me.

I rolled my eyes, grabbed his hand, and forcefully pulled him on the line. "Don't be a coward, Banks. It's just a roller coaster."

"It's not just a roller coaster Cromwell. You could literally die from it!" I rolled my eyes again at his exaggeration.

As we finally sat on the roller coaster we waited for a few minutes before it started moving.

I laughed as Banks looked like he was about to throw up. "I'll yeet you out of this roller coaster if you threw up on me Banks."

"And I will hunt you down in the afterlife when I died here, Cromwell."

"If the afterlife exists," I said, shrugging at him.

Then as the ride was getting faster, I put my hands up in the air and laughed, enjoying the wind that was hitting our faces while he was screaming for his life.

Then as I put my hands back down Banks suddenly held my hand tightly without noticing. I tried to pull my hand away from him but he just held it more tightly.

The ride came to a halt. Banks immediately went to the trash bin to throw up, I went after him and patted his back.

"Yeah, I probably shouldn't let you ride that thing."

He stood up straight as he finished throwing up, glaring at me. "You think?"

I swear to God he's so dramatic.

"Come on let's play a shooting game over there," I suggested, ignoring what he said and dragging him to where the game was.

We both paid the guy first then giving us the fake guns. We both laughed as we shoot around the moving ducks, surprisingly Banks was good at this.

The blond-haired boy beside me won, receiving a prize from the guy and that prize was just a small brown teddy bear which is cute.

Well, I didn't receive a prize because my aim was... Let's just say not good.

Banks glanced at me for a moment before giving me the teddy bear he was holding.

I stared at him with brows raising at him.

"Come on Cromwell just take it."

"I think you might need that teddy more than me." I chuckled staring at the stuffed toy he was holding.

"Why would I need it? I'm not into stuff like this." He scrunched his face.

"Because the next time you will be riding a roller coaster you'll have Mr. Tommy to hold on to."

"Mr. Tommy?"

"That's his name now," I replied, shrugging at him.

"How would you know if this teddy bear I'm holding is a girl or boy? Never mind don't answer that. Just take the damn teddy bear, Cromwell." He sighed in frustration.

"Jeez, Banks. Okay fine, I'll take Mr. Tommy if you don't want him." I huffed, taking the little teddy bear from Banks.

Then we left the amusement park as we noticed the sun had set.

We just kept silent as we were walking, it wasn't awkward or uncomfortable it was just silence but that silence was cut off as I spoke up.

"You know, out of all people, you're the one I didn't expect to hang around at the amusement park."

"Why didn't you ask Charlie out?" He muttered. His tone changed at the mention of his best friend but I ignored it.

"Well, he's busy and I couldn't find him so."

Banks didn't speak so I just kept my mouth shut. Eventually, we arrived at the building we were staying. We said good night to each other before going to our dorms.

[𝟐] 𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | adam banksWhere stories live. Discover now