Just The Way You Are - Bruno Mars

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I pulled up to find Nick outside my house leaning against his car before jumping into mine.

"Can I just grab a quick minute to shower and change?"

"If I have to wear my soccer stuff, you've got to wear your Track stuff."

"I really don't want to go dressed like this."

"Don't worry about it, you look great the way you are."

I blushed and tried to pretend he didn't actually say that about me.

"I have sand in my shoes."

"You can change your shoes," he permitted.

I parked the car and we both hopped out. I grabbed my black vans from the trunk and kicked off my spikes.

"These are spiky," Nick noted, grabbing my shoe to observe the shiny silver spikes sticking out the bottom end.

"I just changed the spikes about two weeks ago."

I saw Nick testing the sharpness of the spike before looking down and watching me change.

I grabbed my letterman cardigan before closing the trunk. My spandex uniform is too tight to walk around in casually.

"Skin tight," he muttered.

"We don't get to pick it, I just have to wear it." I hid the pink shade that consumed my face as I slipped on the looser cardigan.

"I don't think Usain Bolt wears it like that."

"Usain Bolt isn't a female. He doesn't require extra support."

His eyes shot up from my hands to my breast for only half a second, "oh..."

"This is the worst thing I could possibly wear to eat pasta, you know that?"

"How so?"

"I'm going to walk out of there with a food baby and no place to hide it."

Nick chuckled, "you'll be fine, don't sweat it."

Kevin welcomed us into his home still wearing a jersey similar to Nick's. "Nessa, great to see you again!"

"Hello," I greeted shyly.

"I heard you killed it at dodgeball on Tuesday."

"You should have seen her, Kev, she's a stone-cold killer. Almost knocked Jacob's tooth out!" Joe exaggerated. As he stepped in to hug me.

I saw Nick step forward and impede his path.

Thank you so much!

"He had it coming, though." Nick mentioned, "you know how Jacob can be."

"What did he say to you," Kevin asked with an apologetic look on his face.

"N-nothing. I mean... who cares, I got the last word anyway."

"Kevin, can you please set the table?" I heard Dani call out from some unseen corner of the house.

"Come on in, make yourselves at home." Kevin looked over at Nick, "can you show her around while I set up?"

Nick nodded as he placed a hand between my shoulder blades and lightly nudged me forward.

"This is the entrance," Joe announced as we walked further into the foyer.

"I've got it, Joe. You can go help Kevin." Nick dismissed his brother as he removed his hand from my back and walked me around again.

"This is a really nice house."

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