Fly With Me - Jonas Brothers

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I hid behind Joe and Nick, holding his hand, as I trailed behind them through the airport. I could see cameras flashing at the exit and held my breath.

"Not to worry, grad," Joe called back to me, "It'll be weeks before they notice you."

I kept my eyes on the floor, hoping that if I couldn't see the cameras they wouldn't be able to see me.

"That is if you keep your hands to yourself," Joe mentioned, eyeing my hand in Nick's.

It's not even a question at this point, I let go of Nick's hand instantly and he looked back reactively.

"Don't worry about it, it'll be over in seconds," he assured me.

As soon as we stepped out of the airport there were cameras everywhere. People were screaming at Nick and Joe. All asking them a slew of questions that I was unable to distinguish. Before I knew it, we were being herded onto a black SUV with security. The door closed behind us and the voices became muffled again.

"See, over in an instant," Nick smiled beside me.

We sat in the back row while Joe sat in the middle row with security. I let out the breath I'd been holding in before forcing a smile.

Nick shook his head, "you didn't like that."

Joe chuckled, "don't worry about it, by the end of the tour, you won't even notice them."
"I don't mind it, it's fine," I lied.

Nick squeezed my hand to call my attention. I looked over to see a very concerned look on his face. I really don't like that he knows me as well as he does.

"The faster we stop talking about it, the faster I can forget about it," I tried to bargain with him.

"That's the spirit!" Joe agreed. "So, grad, you ever been in Arizona before?"

"Joe, I told you she travels a lot, she's been a lot of places," Nick responded dully.

"Uh, I've been to Red Rock once. I think I was only ten, though, so I don't remember too much about it. Oh, I've also been in Bullshead... we went to Lake Mead."

"Do you remember the heat?" Joe Smirked back at me.

I looked around the vehicle wondering why Joe had so many questions, "uh, kind of... but we were in the lake so... we'd just jump back in."

Joe quirked an eyebrow at Nick. What am I missing? "Did you bring your swimsuit?"

I bit my lip before nodding. Joe smirked over at Nick. "You hear that Nick, we're going for a swim!"

I looked over at Nick to see him blushing. The memory of waving my ass in front of him at Kevin's pool party came flooding into my brain causing me to blush. I turned my face away from both of them and set my sights on the window beside me. Half of me was just trying to hide my face while the other half was hoping this window would roll down so I could jump out of it.

I kept my eyes on the city that passed me by. Had it not been for the occasional cactus, I would never be able to tell we were in the middle of the desert. The cool AC seemed to be out to get me as I wrapped my oversized cardigan tighter to my form.

"Are you cold?" Nick asked.

I turned around to find his eyes on me and shook my head, "I'm okay."

Nick spoke louder as he directed his voice to the front of the vehicle, "can you turn the air down a bit?"

The security up front obliged and turned the air down two notches. That was my fault. If people start to get sweaty and uncomfortable it's going to be my fault. I need to dress warmer to make up for the cool air constantly blasting. Did I bring warmer clothes? I don't think I did. Is the cardigan as warm as it gets? Did I pack two weeks worth of clothes and not even consider air conditioning?

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