6 Months - John K

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It had been just over six months since our first date. I hadn't seen Nick since winter break. He had a few concerts and interviews in January and I was working through my schooling here in New York. We were supposed to meet up for Valentine's Day but Nick explained he would be working on the album with Joe through the Holiday. I sat in the study lounge for the school of psychology with some of my new classmates trying to differentiate between axons and dendrites.

"Okay, which one sends it, again?" Samantha asked for the third time?

"Axons, dendrites are the little hands that receive it," I reminded her.

"So from A to D?" She clarified.

"Yes, girl!" Dustin let out annoyed. "Like the alphabet. Like Adrian's pathetic ass who keeps trying to contact me to get the D."

Sam and I burst out in laughter. "I'm sorry, weren't you saying just last week that you needed a new boyfriend?"

Dustin rolled his eyes, "yes, keyword being boyfriend. That boy needs to wine and dine me and until he does he is not allowed to sixty-nine me."

My phone buzzed on the table with a text.

From Nick

Hey partner, what are you doing today?

I smiled at my phone.

"Aww," Sam and Dustin teased me together.

"Girl you are sprung as hell!"

"Leave her alone!" Sam smacked his shoulder, "she's trying to get the D!"

They both laughed and I blushed. "It's so embarrassing when you say things like that."

To: Nick

I'm studying with some friends. What about you, lovebug?

"Lovebug?" Sam read over my shoulder, "girl are you trying to get dumped? No guy wants to hear you quote the Jonas Brothers."

"Instant mood killer," Dustin agreed. "This is only acceptable in my dating world where everyone has dreamed of fucking one of them. Straight guys don't give a fuck."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sorry, shouldn't you be studying SSRIs and not my texts?"

"That sounds like a better study tactic," someone behind me agreed .

Sam and Dustin looked up with a smile before their mouths gaped open. "Holy shit!"

I turned around to see Nick; looking absolutely awe-inspiring in a large heathered coat, white button-up, and dark slacks; smiling down at me, "hey partner."

I jumped out of my seat to hug him, "what are you doing here? I thought you said-"

"Well, I had to throw you off the scent."

A giant smile etched itself onto my face, "you're the best!"

"Kiss him!" Sam whispered loudly beside me causing me to blush.

"Oh, bitch, you're really overstepping!" Dustin scolded her.

Nick chuckled, before turning his attention on them, "you guys must be Vanessa's friends; I'm Nick," he introduced himself.

"Oh, we know," Sam smirked. "Vanessa has been clinging to her phone for as long as I've known her, I just didn't realize you were this Nick."

"That's Sam," I introduced her. "And Dustin."

Nick shook their hands while Dustin scolded me, "girl, how are you going to spend an entire semester pretending to be my friend and not tell me you're dating Nick Jonas? This is treachery!"

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