Life Moves On - Finneas

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A/N: If you listen to no other song throughout this story, please listen to this one! 

My therapist got comfortable in her seat before grabbing her pen and notepad.

"Okay, so last week we had to reschedule because you were traveling a little bit, do you want to share anything about that?"

I bit my lip and sighed as I searched for the right place to start.

Nick ran off the stage with a big smile on his face. I wrapped my arms around him but my bare fingers against his coat couldn't feel a thing in the freezing cold Las Vegas weather.

"Man, that was electric!" Nick shouted in excitement.

Joe shrugged, "there's worse ways to end it."

I shone my brightest smile, "I'm just glad I was here to see it."

Nick kissed me with all of the enthusiasm in his body while Joe quickly disappeared from the space.

Nick pulled away momentarily to check his watch, "we should get going or we'll miss our flight."

I nodded but it was mostly for myself as Nick had turned away from me toward his security staff as they led us to the car.

Once in the car Nick took both of my hands in his and kissed them before insulating them with his own to try and warm them up.

"Did you have fun?" I asked.

He smiled, "I was going to ask you the same thing."

I shrugged, "I always have fun when I'm with you," I lied. "But this was your first time back on the stage with your brother since-"

He nodded, the smile on his face remained unaffected. "I can't remember when was the last time I felt this good. I think not being directly tied to it all? Or maybe, maybe just being separated- knowing I can walk away from it at the end of the set made it so much easier for me. I wasn't stressed about him being off key or forgetting the lyrics or anything. It just felt like jamming with my brother again."

Nick woke me when it was time to get off the plane. It was light out even though my body was completely certain it should be the middle of the night.

I walked off the plane behind him before I heard Nick chuckle. I looked up to see his grandad waving at him from his truck all too excited to see his grandson.

Nick started to move considerably faster leaving me behind as he ran up to hold his grandad. "I told you, you didn't have to wait for us. We were going to drive to you."

Jerry shooed his words away, "there's no way my grandson comes to visit with his girlfriend and they aren't met with a warm welcome."

Nick and Jerry both turned toward me just as I had finally managed to get off the stairs.

"Look at you, tomato!" Jerry greeted me with a kind smile.

I blushed, not really knowing how to respond as I still tried to shake off the sleep in my body.

"Oh, look at that," Jerry spoke to Nick as he pointed at me. "Tomato's gone ripe."

Nick let out an audible chuckle while I slowly started to feel like the odd one out.

If I thought Nick and his mom were observant, his grandfather was the grand master of observance.

He quickly wagged his finger at me, "don't do that, Red. I only tease. Let's get back to the truck, I've got much to show you and not enough time to get to all of it."

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