Hello Beautiful - Jonas Brothers

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 On Friday, I drove up to my other brother's house to pick up my niece. She came bouncing out of her home dressed in little black flats, and ruffled black skirt and a purple shirt. Her outfit was complete with jewelry and a purple bow in her hair.

I could see her mother laughing from the door as Sandra rushed over to me with the largest smile I'd ever seen.

She tore my door open before hopping in.

"Hey buttercup, are you ready for today?"

She nodded enthusiastically, "do you think Joe will be able to see me?"

I hid a smile knowing that Joe would absolutely bend over backwards to make her happy.

"Absolutely," I promised. "In fact, I have a surprise for you."

Her eyes widened in delight, "what is it?"

Her chunky cheeks could not be redder and I wondered how long she could hold a smile before her cheeks gave out on her.

"It's a surprise," I reminded her.

It took me longer than I'd care to admit to find the back access to the Pantages theater. When I finally did, security kept trying to shoo me away before I could even speak to them.

"Tia Nena, I don't think we're supposed to go through here?" Sandra spoke up with concern beside me.

I bit my lip nervously feeling as though it might be best to do what they say. I stayed in my car not moving forward or backing up trying to calculate the best course of action. I heard a car honking behind me before I snapped out of the internal war going on in my head. I tried backing up before realizing the guy hadn't given me much space. I got out of my car to ask him to back up and he rolled down his window.

"Nessa? Can you just drive up, I'm a little late and Nick is going to lose it."

I felt awful for not having learned his name, yet, "I can't they're telling me to turn around."

The guy got out of his car to address security before they got on the phone with the production team and finally waved me in.

"Who is that?" Sandra asked, watching as the guy got back into his car.

"Uh," I didn't want to admit that I didn't know the guy who just got us into the back end parking lot so I lied. "He's a friend."

I pulled in to see the tour buses and production trucks lined up while everyone seemed too busy to notice anything around them.

I parked my car beside the guy who's name I still hadn't learned and followed him inside to the best of my ability. He really jogged his way in and out of sight while Sandra was still looking around confused by her surroundings. Honestly, I was kind of lost, too.

It took some wandering around before we ran into Nick's younger brother in the hallway

"Hi, Vanessa!"

"Hi, Franklin," I greeted.

His face twisted instantly, "people don't call me that, I'm Frankie," he corrected me.

"Sorry, Frankie." I apologized. "Do you know where we're supposed to go?"

He shrugged, "Nick's still in his room getting ready if you want to go there."

Sandra pressed up against my arm and looked up at me shyly. "Do you want to go to Nick's room?"

She nodded as a blush crept over her face.

"What's your name?" Frankie asked her.

She looked up at me and I saw her cheeks expanding into a smile again.

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