Happy Birthday, Mr. President - Marilyn Monroe

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I flew back out to the tour for Nick's Birthday just four weeks after I'd gone off to college. I arrived Friday afternoon and was escorted to the guys' soundcheck. I walked into the arena as the guys were finishing up and slowly walked my way up to the front. I was halfway through the arena before I heard a loud, "no way!"

I giggled as I saw Nick jump off the stage and rush toward me at record speed. He scooped me up in his arms in a tight embrace, "what are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd surprise you and spend a little extra time with you before you get old," I teased him.

"You're amazing!"

We heard Joe tapping on his microphone, "attention, attention, will the missing band member please make his way back on the stage so we can finish soundcheck? I repeat, will the missing band member make his way back to the stage so we can finish soundcheck?"

Nick looked over at me with an apologetic smile.

"I know, just go, I'll see you when you're done."

Nick rushed on stage and rushed through the last of it while I sat in the front row with my weekend bag and a giant smile.

As soon as they were done Nick hopped back off and ran toward me. I barely had enough time to stand up before he was tugging on my hand. "Wait, Nick, my bag!"

He turned and grabbed my bag quickly before rushing me out of the arena. He rushed down the hall into his private changing room with me trailing behind him. I resisted the urge to giggle, feeling giddy about the fact that Nick was excited to see me.

He closed the door behind me before quickly attaching his lips to mine. This was new territory, Nick had never been one to kiss me without asking. Still, something about it was very exciting to me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and followed his lead because that's all I'd learned to do so far.

I felt the ground disappear beneath me as Nick's arms wrapped around my waist to lift me. I giggled in surprise and I felt a smile form on Nick's lips as well, "God, I missed you!"

"I was only gone a month," I tried to reason, even though I felt the empty slot in my chest refilling itself in his presence.

"A month is too long," he muttered onto my skin while spreading kisses along my jaw.

I squirmed in his grasp feeling ticklish and he knew it. His kisses became more vigorous as I finally squealed in laughter, "Nick, stop! STOP!"

He chuckled as he released me and I set my feet back on the ground. "What, I can't show affection for my girlfriend?"

I blushed, still feeling a bit shy about the title, "I- no... you can, I just- I'm ticklish."

Nick smirked and pressed a kiss to the top of my nose before we heard a knock at the door, "Hey, what are you guys doing?"

Joe popped his head in with an excited smirk which quickly vanished when he realized this wasn't the compromising situation he'd hoped for. He smacked his lips, "you guys are no fun."

"What do you want, Joe?" Nick spoke to his brother bluntly while I hid my face in Nick's chest feeling completely embarrassed to even be seen showing any kind of physical intimacy with Nick.

"Well, a few of the band members heard Vanessa was back, they were wondering if she'd be hitting the town with us after the show?"

Both Joe and Nick shot questioning glances in my direction, "um, I have an assignment for my Political Science class due at midnight but if I can get it done on time..."

Joe squinted his eyes at me, "I thought Nick said you were like a brainiac bookworm or something?"

"I never said that," Nick corrected adamantly.

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