We are Young - FUN

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"Berry, you really can't come?" I asked again hoping her answer would magically change.

"So sorry, buttercup, but I can't say I'm in the mood to run around Six Flags with a bunch of teenagers. Plus, I do have finals coming up. Why don't you ask your Jonas Brother?"

I sighed, "I really don't think that's his thing."

Berry rolled her eyes, "have you asked him? You won't know until you ask."

She looked over at me from her position on my bed, "you have a tendency to assume people will answer negatively, you know that?"

I shrugged, "you just said no."

Berry laughed, "I'm 21 and I went to Disneyland for my Grad Nite. I've been there, done that. He hasn't."

"How would you know?"

"Didn't you say he was homeschooled? I'm pretty sure they don't get Grad Nite."

I looked over at the color-coded notes on my desk.

"It won't hurt to ask. Worst case, he says no. Is that so terrible?"

I pondered her words for a moment. She's got a point, right?"

Berry went home around 10. I waited until I saw her hop into her car before I made the call. The phone rang a few times and I wondered if perhaps I'd made a mistake by calling.

Maybe he doesn't want to talk to me. What if I bug him too much? Maybe he thinks I'm annoying? I should hang up.

I was about to disconnect the line when I heard the line become active.

"Was epic!" a guy shouted in the background.

"Hey partner," Nick greeted me.

"H-Hi Nick," I stuttered. Why am I stuttering? Be cool!

"Nick, is that your new girlfriend?" A guy asked in the background. "Send her a kiss from me!"

"Shut up, Joe!" Nick scolded his brother. "Nessa, what's up?"

"Um, I can call back if you're busy."

"Hey, Vans, why won't you give Nick a chance already!" Joe shouted.

Then the line went dead.

Give Nick a chance? To do what? Does Joe think Nick likes me? I shook the thought out of my head and turned on the tv instead.

I laid in bed watching Parks and Rec much later than I should have when I got a call. Nick.


"Hey, Nessa, sorry about earlier. We had just finished bowling and Joe was... being Joe."

I laughed lightly, "Joe being Joe, I think I've heard of that."

Nick chuckled, "yeah, anyone who knows Joe has heard of it."

The line went silent for a moment. Is this awkward? Am I being awkward? Say something!

"Something!" I blurted out.

No, stupid!

Nick laughed on the other end, "that's something alright."

"Um, no sorry I didn't mean- I meant, uh... Grad Nite is this week?"

"Are you asking me?"


"I don't know when your Grad Nite is, Nessa."

"Oh, no. It's this week, I just meant... do you Grad Nite- do you want to go with me to Grad Nite?"

"That's the rollercoaster thing right?"

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