Chapter 2

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Chan's hand stopped. His chest started pounding after hearing Jisung's words.He held both of Jisung's cheeks so that the younger could see his face. Jisung just grinned.There was no worrying expression on that face.

"Did you get the anxiety symptoms like last time?"

"No. I'm okay. I just want to go back to Malaysia."

"Why so sudden?"asked Chan as if he were not satisfied with Jisung's reason. He also imagined his days without him. No way!

"I just wish to spend my time with my brother. You know he is getting married at the end of the year.”

Chan knows about that. He remembered how happy Jisung was when he found out his brother was getting married. Jisung also promised to make sure it cleared his schedule on the wedding date. But that date is the end of the year.

"I know, but Jisung.."

"Please, hyung.."


"No means no!"

Everyone there looked at Minho. Seungmin got up from the chair, entered the room and slammed the door. Felix and Jeongin finished their food. Seeing the tense state of the dining area made swallowing the soup feel sticky in the throat.

"What's wrong with you, hyung? He just wants  some more, not to finish the stew.."said Hyunjin indirectly defending his best friend, Seungmin.

"But he has added twice. Chan-hyung and Jisung haven't eaten yet.”

"Are you worried about Chan-hyung being starved, or are you worried about your boyfriend being hungry?" Hyunjin provoked.

"I'm done!" Felix ran to the room.

"Me too.."Jeongin also passed.

Changbin was still enjoying his dinner while staring at his cell phone. His eyes were on the phone screen, but his ears were listening to the conversation of his two friends.

Presently, Minho and Hyunjin are always arguing with each other. As long as it doesn't involve physical fighting, he prefers to be an observer.

"Boyfriend? Who's my boyfriend?"

Hyunjin laughed mockingly, as if he couldn't believe Minho would ask such a question. Isn't Jisung already like Minho's boyfriend? Both of them are always clinging, and he hates to see that scene.

But now, Hyunjin notices that Jisung has less physical affection towards him and Minho.  Felix and Jeongin also once said the same thing. Before this, all Stray Kids members will be hugged by the all-rounder.

"You mean Jisung?" Minho continued when he saw Hyunjin keep quiet.

This time, Minho laughed sarcastically. He and Jisung, boyfriend? He never thought to that extent. He thinks Jisung is like his relatives. Likewise, Jisung who often says that every skinship is done no more than brother and little brother. After all, Jisung is adhering to every member.

"That's our Jisung. He is like that. Likes physical affection. Even with you, he is clinging. You can't deny all that, Hyunjin."

Changbin silently agreed with Minho's words. Jisung's character is very free when he is with them. That's Jisung. Because Jisung's character like that makes Stray Kids more lively.

"But you surpass him in everything!"

"You're jealous that he's close to me?" Minho crossed his arms. His sharp eyes pierced the taller's face.

"Me? Jealous? For what? I don't love him, that's why I don't care about you and him. I just don't like you biased towards him, only him. Or do you prefer him because he is an all-rounder? Because he was getting more popular since Kingdom's victory? That's favoritism, you know?"


"I know.  But I promise I'll be back soon."

"It's 12 o'clock now, Jisung! If our manager knows.."

"Please hyung. Just tonight.." pleaded Jisung in a low tone.

When the two of them arrived, they saw Seungmin enter the room and slammed the door. After that, they heard Hyunjin and Minho's voice before Felix and Jeongin left the dining table.

Since the living room lights were switched off, so no one noticed the two of them. The verbal fight between the dancers was clearly audible.

"Let go together,"said Chan.

Jisung shook his head. He wants to be alone. In a forced situation, Chan also gave permission to the younger.Jisung hugs his hyung body tightly.

"Thanks, hyung."

Without waiting too long, Jisung went out. Just closed the door, Chan switched on the light. Keep the living room bright. He stepped into the dining room. At that time, Hyunjin was standing up.

"Hey, hyung!" Changbin purposely reprimanded so that the other two friends would know about their leader's return. 

As expected, Minho and Hyunjin turned away. They both gulped when they saw Chan's serious face. Maybe he was tired? Minho tries to be positive.

"Explained because I heard everything.." admitted Chan.

Hearing Chan's confession made Hyunjin immediately look for Jisung. Chan should go back with Jisung. If Chan found out everything, that means Jisung received the same. No! Jisung couldn't hear what was said to Minho just now.

"Where's Jisung, hyung?"Minho first asked.

Hyunjin waited anxiously for Chan's answer as he took a seat next to Changbin. The main rapper poured water before handing it to their leader.

"He stopped by a convenience store,"lied Chan.

The three of them rolled their eyes at Chan's reply.

"Hyung, it's 12 o'clock now! Why did you let him go alone?" Changbin asked with a disbelieving face.



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