Chapter 7

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Hyunjin's body is stiffed. He turned to Jeongin who smirked at him.

What makes Jeongin think like that? Is it because of these marks? Hyunjin touched his neck again. Shit! This time, he was afraid to look at Jisung's face.

Jeongin is right. He just likes cheaters! To be honest, he himself didn't know what was in Seungmin's head. When they hugged earlier, Seungmin tried to kiss him. He could dodge. When his lips could not be the target, Seungmin switched to his neck.

He admitted it also absorbed him in that time. When he realized, it was his best friend who made him push Seungmin's body. He takes his phone and left Seungmin who had already called his name. That's why he was finally here with Jisung and Jeongin.

"It's okay, hyung. We are okay with that."


"No, that's not okay.."

Felix glanced at Jisung's face, pleading for help, but his twin shook his head. Jisung himself was scared to look at how serious Changbin's face was right now.

Felix had a fever last night. After taking the medicine, Felix slept until dawn. And this morning, his body was still hot. Changbin suggested going to the hospital, but Felix protested. Coincidentally, at that time, Jisung came to visit his twin.

"Seriously, hyung. I'm okay."Felix was still persistent.

"Like I mentioned earlier, Felix, that's not okay. Jisung, tell Chan that Felix can't go to practice today."

Jisung just nodded. He had a chance to hug Felix before leaving the couple's room. When in the living room, he saw Seungmin chatting with Minho.

Seeing Seungmin's face and ears red, make Jisung understand the situation. Minho glanced at him with a thin smile. Jisung returned the smile before knocking on the door of Chan's room. Chan was alone, not sharing a room with anyone. Jeongin shares a room with Minho.

"Coming!"Chan's voice was heard giving permission for him to come in.

"Morning, hyung.."

"Morning, baby!"Chan was still lying on his bed, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Felix can't go to the practice. He still has a fever,"said Jisung who was leaning on the door frame.

"Changbin has taken him to the hospital?"Chan asked and reached for his shirt.

Both of them walked to Felix's room. There were only Minho and Jeongin in the living room. Seungmin was nowhere to be seen.

"Felix doesn't want it."

Just as they were about to knock on Felix and Changbin's door, Seungmin and Hyunjin left the couple's room. Behind them are Felix and Changbin who are getting ready to go out.

Since the incident at the park, Jisung treated Hyunjin as usual. He also fell asleep in the living room last midnight. It felt like he slept there almost every night.

"I took him to the hospital,"said Changbin. Chan nodded.

"Get well soon, baby.."Jisung said as soon as Felix came to hug him.

"Okay, baby."

After Changbin and Felix leave, Chan headed to the kitchen. Jisung went into his room, but it wasn't long before Minho called him. In the living room there are Chan and Jeongin sharing cereal, Hyunjin and Seungmin sitting on the couch looking at their phone and Minho sipping hot coffee.

"Jisung, can we change rooms?"

Minho's question caught Chan and Hyunjin's attention. Hyunjin stared at Seungmin's face, demanding for the same certainty. Why doesn't he notice about this?

"Why do you need to change rooms?"Chan asked.

"Jisung snores loudly,"complained Seungmin.

Hyunjin frowned. He did not deny that Jisung slept snoring, but still did not disturb their night's sleep. After all, they have been in the same room for a long time. If it's true that Seungmin is uncomfortable, why is he complaining now? Thought Hyunjin.

"Why don't you ask me to change with Jisung? I can share a room with you and Hyunjin,"Chan asked again.

He didn't mind if his room was given to Jisung. And since the beginning, he will prioritize his first child over others. He doesn't care if someone says he's over Jisung.

This is because Jisung was the only one who knew his condition when they were still trainees at JYP Entertainment. Many of his and Jisung's stories are part of history that no one knows. Because of that, he has a soft spot with Jisung.

"No. No. No. Jisung-hyung with me!”Jeongin left his cereal before hugging Jisung who was still standing without a word. 

But Jisung's lips had a smile on his face when he saw Jeongin's behavior.

"Okay then."



Han Hyo Joo chuckles at her nephew jumping for joy when he sees the roti canai on the table. Last week, she begged her manager to find Malaysian people who can make roti canai in Korea. She knows Jisung misses that country's cuisine.

"I love you,aunt.."Jisung hugged his aunt.

"I love you too. Have a seat.”

"She ordered, but I paid!" told Han So Hee who was not satisfied with Jisung's behavior.

“Okay. Okay. I love you too.."replied Jisung.

"I love you too? I never said I love you.."Han So Hee crossed her arms.

Jisung rolls his eyes.

"You don't have to say it because I know you love me."

"Tsk!" Han So Hee took a seat next to her sister. Jisung sat in front of them.

Today they have promised to have breakfast together. Roti canai is one of Jisung's favorite foods when he was in Malaysia. His aunts have also eaten when they went to Malaysia to visit their brother's family, Jisung dad.

"Do you cleared your schedule for your brother's wedding?"asked Han Hyo Joo. She mixed with a straw a fresh juice made by her little sister.

Jisung just nodded because he was enjoying roti canai with dhal.

Han So Hee also brewed teh tarik for her nephew because roti canai is often paired with it.

"Actually, we have something to ask.."Han So Hee said after receiving a signal from her sister.

Jisung chewed on roti canai while waiting for the next verse. The hot teh tarik was sipped slowly. It feels like being in Malaysia when he can enjoy his favorite food.

"It's about you and Hyunjin.."



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