Chapter 26

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Jisung smiled awkwardly in front of Eunwoo who opened the door. The elder signaled for him to come in before Eric and Soobin throwed themselves to him. 


The all-rounder was startled, but composed himself.

"You came alone?"Eunwoo asked when he noticed that there was no other Stray Kids member accompanying the shorter.

"I came with Chan-hyung, but he got called from Minho-hyung. Sound like important, so he's going back to our dorm,"responded Jisung who was still being hugged by Eric and Soobin. 

He does not remember his relationship with these three but he can feel something comfortable when he is with them.

"Don't squeeze him too much. That will make him smaller."

Jisung's eyes widened. Eric chuckled, and Soobin patted his head.

"It's okay, we still love you even though you're small and short,"said Soobin.

"Yahhh!"Jisung pushed the taller. 

All of them laughed, including Jisung. Eric dragged Jisung's hand, and they sat on the couch.

Jisung's eyes glanced at the atmosphere in Eunwoo's apartment. This house looked familiar to him. Homey and cozy. Jisung smiled brightly when he looked at Soobin placing chocolate cake and chocolate tart in front of him.

"For me?"asked Jisung.

"Nope, this is for me.."Eric purposely picked up the cake to make Jisung pouted.

"Of course, for you."Eunwoo got the cake from Eric's hand and put it back on the coffee table.

"Thank you.."


"It's nothing. I'm glad you called me," replied Chan while patting Minho's shoulder. The younger sighed. When he thinks about it, it is hard to bear the responsibility as a leader. Minho admits he can't be a leader as well as Chan.

While on the way to drop off Jisung, Chan got a call from Stray Kids main dancer.  Minho tells Seungmin and Felix fight and almost involved physical fights.

Only Minho was on Seungmin's side. The others with Felix's side.

"They still hate Seungmin. Even Changbin.."

"I'll talk to them. You'll come with me."

Minho nodded. They headed to the living room. Felix still glared at the main vocalist.

"So, can some of you explain to me what just happened?"asked Chan with a stern look. He studied at the faces of Felix and Seungmin, alternately.

"I'm sorry, hyung."

"That's not your fault, Minie!"pressed Minho. Minho doesn't like it when Seungmin just blames himself.

"So, you want to say that is my fault?!"Felix yelled. Changbin had to hold back his boyfriend, who was trying to stand up.

"Felix.."Chan glared at the freckled boy.

"Seungmin lied to Jisung-hyung,"declared Jeongin who was sitting next to Hyunjin.

This morning, when Jisung was chatting with Seungmin, Felix and Jeongin heard the all-rounder asking about whose person closest to him? Seungmin answered it was him. Jisung's happy with that answer.

"I'm not lying to him, Jeongin!"snapped Seungmin.

"Yes, you are! You told Jisungie you're his best friend. But you're not!"replied Felix unsatisfied.

"You don't deserve to get that title, hyung," Jeongin mumbled making Minho send a death glare to the maknae.

"All of us are best friends! Where is the lied?"Seungmin still tried to defend himself.

"I'm not your best friend! I'm just your group member!"Felix snapped. 

Changbin hugged and kissed his boyfriend's forehead to make him calm down.

"Okay, enough!" Chan finally spoke up. They were all silent. Not daring to look at Chan's face.

"We're not best friends or group members, but we're family!"pressed Chan with his stern voice. He can't let them hate each other. Stray Kids mean a lot to them.

"For now, we have to focus on Jisung. Help him to remember about everything. I don't deny, all possibilities will happen if he remembers everything, but that's Jisung we talk about. He doesn't hold grudges easily. He is easy to forgive someone. Did all of you wish Stray Kids to disband just because of this?"

Everyone there shook their heads.

"So, please stop this drama. In two weeks, we will start with our comeback. I don't want any problems during our promotion periods."


"Okay, daddy!"Soobin joked, making Eunwoo throw a pillow at the younger who ran towards the kitchen. Eunwoo asks Soobin to take another plate. This is because he ordered fried chicken.

"So, why do you want to see us?"asked Eric after sipping his warm tea.

"I want to ask about Renjun. If we're best friends, I'm sure you know about him." Jisung would like to try his luck with these guys. 

He was not willing to wait any longer to learn more about his best friend. He still can't believe Renjun is dead.

"Renjun? Who's it?"asked Soobin who put the plate on the table. 

He had never heard that name before this. Soobin and Eric became close with Jisung after Stray Kids debuted. So, they know just a little about Jisung trainee life.

"Huang Renjun. He was found dead in his dorm before his debut,"Eunwoo revealed. 

The news about Renjun's death is unknown to many because his parents ensured that their son's agency did not reveal the truth.

"Did..did he kill himself?"asked Jisung who seemed to remember something.

"He did."



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