Chapter 16

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Hyunjin, Eunwoo, Soobin, Eric, Minho and even Chan screamed in unison. Those inside were silent at the reaction of the other six.

Jisung shrugged, hearing the scream. Behind him, there were Felix and Yunho who were also surprised. Yiren glanced at Jisung before he turned to Miyeon who gave her a teasing glance.

"You can't kiss, Jisung!"Eric stood up and hugged his best friend. Jisung frowned because he didn't understand the situation that was happening.

"Agreed!"Minho supported Eric's words.  Seungmin was next to him had a displeased expression on his face. 

Just let Yiren kiss Jisung.That's just a kiss! Thought Seungmin.

"What happened?"asked Felix representing the question in Jisung's head. Jisung had already been pulled by Eric to sit between him and Soobin. Soobin hugged Jisung's shoulder. He and Eric will make sure that no one will kiss their best friend!

"Yerin choose dare. So, she needs to kiss anyone who enters this room and then Jisung came.."Hyunjae answered while glancing at Yiren who bite her lips.

"Can I pass?"asked Yiren slowly.

Seeing Eunwoo's serious face made her want to cry. Not only Eunwoo but Eric, Soobin, Hyunjin, Minho and Chan.How could she be able to kiss Jisung if six pairs of eyes looked at her with a sharp gaze?

"It's okay, Yiren.."Jisung suddenly spoke up.

"What do you mean by okay, Han Jisung?"Chan asked in a deep tone.

This is because he knows Jisung has kissed no one!

Even though he and Hyunjin flirt with each other, but they never kiss! They do not consider as far as the kiss on the cheek a kiss when they play truth or dare! That's the rule they've made before. If you choose a dare, and you need to kiss someone, you must kiss his or her lips!

"Maybe we can change the rules? Kiss on cheeks, not lips?"Hyunjae seemed to read Chan's mind.

The all-rounder was seen heading towards Yiren after being able to escape from his best friends. Yiren's eyes met with Jisung when the man was right in front of her.

"Pass, please!"pleaded Eric.

"Yes, please pass.."Hyunjin interjected. 

How could he be ready to see Jisung and Yiren kiss?

"This is just a game. Don't take it seriously. You can pass,"said Hongjoong who seemed to understand the current situation.

Jisung is not just an all-rounder, but he still has many idols who care about him. Hongjoong himself admitted he was more happy with Jisung's presence.

"Okay, I pass!" Yiren declared defeat.

The others' idol got frustrated. They are ready to see 'that scene'.

But they were all stunned when Jisung placed his cheek on Yiren's lips, and this time the girl was also transfixed. Jisung smiled before gently stroking Yiren's hair. While Hyunjin looked at Jisung's face with a look of disbelief.

"Game is game, and you did it!"said Jisung as soon as he gave 'cooperation' to the girl.

"Spin the bottle, hyung.."Jisung said, then returned to Felix and Yunho who had already taken their seats on the couch.

"Lucky girl!"Onda whispered to Yiren who held her lips. The others started teasing the girl.

Hyunjae turned the bottle again before it stopped in front of Hyunjin. Jisung, who had not been interested in learning about the game, paid attention. Although he was still sad by what happened, he could not deceive that his heart was still with the dancer.

It's hard to get rid of the feeling. Maybe he needs more time to move on?

"Truth or dare?"

“Dare!” Minho, Changbin, Ryujin, Q, Sunwoo and Yuqi shouted at the same time.

They giggled as soon as they read at Hyunjin's face, who was startled by their reaction.

Hyunjin was silent for a while. He glanced at Jisung who was staring at him.


"Yes!"Changbin and Felix screamed.

Hyunjae proceeded to pick up the paper in the truth bottle.

"Hold your crush's hand until the game ends.."

“Fuck!” Eric cursed before he got a glare from Eunwoo. Soobin swore in his heart.

Eric and Soobin felt Hyunjin would choose Jisung. Seungmin is assured that Hyunjin will not go to Jisung because he sees that the relationship between them is still not good. Jisung is still avoiding Hyunjin while Hyunjin has not dared to approach Jisung.

But Seungmin's face changed when Hyunjin stood up and moved to the couch. Jisung's hand was reached and pulled to sit with him.

"OH MY GOD! Jisung is your crush?!”


"No, he's not. He's not my crush, but he, my little brother,”answered Chan while smiling at Eunwoo who was sitting in front of him.

After truth or dare, Eunwoo suggested Chan to rest outside to be away from the others.

"So why don't you let Yiren kiss him? I thought you also like Jisung."

"You must learn that Jisung has kissed no one. As for the kiss on the cheek, maybe it's normal, but not on his lips. You also know how our truth or dare rule."

"I know. I was just surprised when you and Minho said no. If Hyunjin I know why because he likes Jisung."

"Minho is close to Jisung so he must know about that. Same with Eric and Soobin.  Even though Minho is growing closer to Seungmin, he still cares about Jisung."

Eunwoo just sipped the water in his grip. He clearly saw Jisung blushing when Hyunjin held his hand throughout the game. But the two just held hands without speaking even one word.

"But I don't like how they treated Sungie. I mean Seungmin,Minho and Hyunjin. They made Jisung in an all wrong situation. As Jisung and Minho grew close, Minho realized his feelings for Seungmin. So, Minho requested Jisung to stay away from him so that Seungmin wouldn't misunderstand and make it easier for him to approach the latter.Jisung agreed to Minho's request. Because of Minho found getting close to Seungmin, Hyunjin came to Jisung and the two got close. It's just that Jisung and Hyunjin's closeness is not the same as the others.."Eunwoo explains what he learns about Jisung, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Minho's affair.

He knows Chan is the Stray Kid's leader, but he also realizes that not everything reaches Chan's ears.

"Their relationship affects each other's feelings. They both started flirting with each other. The longer, Jisung cannot argue that he likes Hyunjin. He could feel that Hyunjin also had feelings for him.When his relationship with Hyunjin gets closer, Seungmin comes to Jisung. Accusing Jisung of 'stealing' his best friend, Hyunjin. Jisung denied, but Seungmin stood his ground. The saddest thing is when Seungmin again accuses Jisung of wanting to be the 'main vocalist' for your group. When Hyunjin noticed Seungmin was not happy with Jisung's presence in their friendship, Hyunjin limited his association with your cheat key guy.."

Chan's face changed when he heard what came out of his sunbae's mouth. Why doesn't he realize this? Why does Eunwoo know more than he does? Why didn't Jisung want to tell him all this?

"I know what you are thinking. Jisung purposely didn't tell you because he knew that even if he did something wrong, you would side with him. He is your first 'child'.  That's why he kept all this a secret. He doesn't want you to be blamed by the other members."



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