Chapter 11

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"But he doesn't like me. I heard him say to Minho that he doesn't like me, Bella,"said Jisung while covering his face with both hands.

Aaron, who was sitting next to him, kept gently stroking the idol's back.

Aaron is a Malaysian Stay. Since the survival show, Aaron has been following Stray Kids' journey, and his bias is Jisung! Aaron will go to the Philippines and Indonesia to watch their concert.

When he knew Bella, he didn't know that the girl was a friend of one of the Stray Kids member. Aaron remembers when it was his birthday and Bella surprised him by making Jisung's video call for him. For almost five minutes he tried to believe that Jisung, his bias, wish his birthday. Luckily, he didn't pass out!

"Don't make assumptions. In a relationship, the most important thing is communication. Talk to him, Han.."Aaron advised.

"Yes, talk to him,"interrupted Bella and got up from the sofa. She started boiling water while listening to the two men's conversation.

"But I can't bear to hear him say he doesn't like me, in front of me."

"Maybe he is still confused about his own feelings. You also have to explain the truth about why you stay away from him? You have to be honest with Hyunjin that Seungmin asked you to do all that.
Seungmin accused you of 'stealing' Hyunjin from him."

"I don't want to have a problem with Seungmin."

"Han, you and Seungmin already have a problem. You know that."

Jisung remained silent, listening to Aaron's words. Only Bella and Aaron learn the truth about what happened to him at the moment.

Oh, his aunts also know. At first, Jisung wanted to tell Chan, but he knew the leader would be on his side.

Jisung is Chan's ultimate bias.

“What Aaron said is true, Han. You follow Minho's words, you follow Seungmin's words, but at last you hurt yourself," added Bella and put the hot coffee in front of the two men.

"Where is my Maggi Asam Laksa?"asked Jisung who started demanding food from Malaysia, at the same time changing the topic of conversation. 

Bella rolled her eyes.

"You see in the luggage in front of the door, that one luggage is for you. Share with your members, including Minho, Seungmin and Hyunjin even though I feel like I want to kick them in the face. But I'm President of Stay, so I give them a chance. For your aunts, I will give it to them. And we stayed at here for two weeks. So, steal time for both of us,"told Bella.

Besides the Jisung family, Bella and Aaron often send Malaysian food to Jisung. As a result, every Stray Kids member became familiar with food from there.

"Thanks, Bella. You too, hyung. And now, I need to go."

"You're welcome. Good night, Hanafi..”


"Good night, baby.."whispered Minho.

Seungmin smiled shyly. He hugged Minho tightly, who was lying next to him. Now, almost every night, they both sleep together. Hyunjin is the one who often sleeps in the living room, like Jisung did before. When he was about to fall asleep, Seungmin heard people talking in the living room. He was sure it was Jisung and Hyunjin's voice.

"Where are you going?"asked Minho.

"Bathroom.."Seungmin lied.

When he left the room, he saw Hyunjin following Jisung's steps to Jisung and Jeongin's room. Seungmin bit his lip. He wanted to know what they were talking about. Hyunjin's face showed serious, while Jisung's face looked calm, as always.

"Damn it!"he muttered and entered the room.

In Jisung's room, there was no Jeongin there. The luggage containing the food was placed on the side of the cupboard. He knows Jeongin sleeps in Chan's room because the leader sent a message that the maknea fell asleep while watching Netflix. Chan couldn't help but want to wake up their little baby.

"I'll clean myself first,"Jisung said and went out.

Hyunjin took a place on Jisung's bed. His body was lying on the bed by itself. Jisung's blanket was also pulled up to his shoulders. Maybe too tired, Hyunjin fell asleep between sheets scented with Jisung scent. But thereafter, he was surprised by the sound of Jisung's phone.

"Are you sleeping? Sorry.."Jisung who had just entered, immediately reached for his phone.

"Who's it?"asked Hyunjin and turned his body around.

When Jisung arrived earlier, he was still upset by what had happened. But when he saw Jisung greet him gently with a smile, that upset disappeared. That didn't mean he wanted to let what happened just happen, so he followed Jisung into his room.

“Felix. He wanted to be called his friend but incidentally called me," said Jisung after receiving a message from Felix.

"So, what do you want to ask me or do you want to sleep and will ask me tomorrow?"added Jisung.

Hyunjin kept shaking his head. Tonight,he needs to know about everything. He patted his side as a signal for Jisung to sit next to him. Jisung hides his smile because Hyunjin's demeanor is like it's just his bed. But he still sat next to the taller. He also wants to follow Bella and Aaron's advice so that he and Hyunjin can 'communicate'.

"What's that, hurm?"

"You'll answer all my questions, okay?"Hyunjin demanded.

"Okay, but you also have to answer my question. Deal?"

"Deal. Okay, first question. Is it true that you have a girlfriend? Before you answer, I want you to know, me and the other member saw you hugged a girl at the place where we usually buy street food."

"Yes, she's my girlfriend, but not a special girlfriend. Did all of you just see I hugged the only her?”

Hyunjin nodded.

"After I hugged her, I hugged her husband. We closed with each other.”

"She's married?" Hyunjin's eyes widened and the younger nodded.

Hyunjin smiled. His visuals are not useless anymore!



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