Chapter 6

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They both went back to enjoying the ice cream without saying a word. Jisung remembered the song 'Secret Secret'. He took out his phone and earphones. Usually Hyunjin is the first to listen besides Chan and Changbin but this time he chose Jeongin.

"My new song,"said Jisung with a smile.

Jeongin's eyes lit up when he heard it. He accepted the earphones and put them in his ears. While listening to the melody, he also appreciated the lyrics of the song. His eyes were shine, now turn to fade before tears well up. Jisung who let Jeongin listen to his song, was just enjoying the ice cream without realizing that the maknae was sobbing.

"Oh my god, why are you crying?"Jisung hugged Jeongin. The younger's cries got louder.

"Hyung..I can.. I can relate this lyric.."

Jisung just let the younger cry to his heart's content.

"Cry it out. It's okay," whispered Jisung.

As cliché as always, he knows how to advise others, but he forgets that he also needs to do the same. But Jisung has forgotten the last time he cried.

His aunt, Han Hyo Joo said to him 'once the heart gets too heavy with pain, people don't cry. They just turned silent. Completely silent..just like you, Jisung.'

Suddenly, Jisung heard footsteps approaching. Before he could raise his face, Hyunjin was already standing in front of them. Jisung's eyes caught the 'marks' near the man's neck. He acted like it wasn't a big deal, when it was breaking his heart. If Hyunjin knows how much he loves him..

He turned his attention back to Jeongin. Hyunjin, who noticed the look in Jisung's eyes, touched his neck. Did Seungmin leave something? Please, no!

"What happened to him?"asked Hyunjin and sat next to Jeongin at the same time, trying to reject any possibility that was in his mind.

Hyunjin gently strokes the maknae's hair. Jeongin, who had calmed down, took out his earphones and handed over Jisung's head.

"This song will be my favorite song. The sound is beautiful, the lyric.."Jeongin is once again at a loss for words.

Lyrics Secret Secret hit differently compare other song. This song is very close to his heart.

"What song?"asked Hyunjin.

"My new song.."

"Can I?"Hyunjin asked while trying to take the earphones from Jisung's hand.

The all-rounder just nodded.Hyunjin leaned back on the chair while Jeongin rested his head on Jisung.

"Did something happen to you, hyung? Because your lyrics show how painful you're and like you're hiding something,"Jeongin said, ignoring Hyunjin who looked serious.

"I'm not hiding something. That's just lyrics, Jeongin,"Jisung argued. He wasn't ready to tell anything, not to mention that Hyunjin was with them.

"You put plenty of emotions in that song. Great job, hyung."


"Sungie.."called Hyunjin. Hyunjin's tears seemed to stagnate. Wait for more time to fall. Jisung only looked at Hyunjin's face, but not for long because his eyes still wanted to see the 'marks' that the main dancer had.

"Are you okay? Did something happen?"

Jisung just kept quiet. His hand was still stroking Jeongin's hair. Less than a minute later, Hyunjin was crying. Jeongin's body straightened up. He turned to Jisung, but the man just shook his head.

"I love this song, Sungie. I don't know, but I can feel that you are struggling with your life and you don't want to share with anyone.."said Hyunjin while wiping his tears.

The all-rounder took the earphones held out by Hyunjin. Hyunjin's words were left unanswered. Jeongin had already hugged the main dancer. Hyunjin's cries got louder when he heard Jeongin's persuasion.

Jisung's lips carved a smile when Jeongin teased Hyunjin 'drama queen'.Hearing that teasing made Hyunjin stand up and push Jeongin's body aside so that he could sit in the middle before hugging Jisung's body.

"Tsk.."Jeongin poked his finger on Hyunjin arm. Jisung still returned Hyunjin's hug and prayed the elder didn't hear his heartbeat.

With other members, Jisung doesn't feel like this. Unlike the hug received from Hyunjin, who feels like 'home'.

"I want to ask you something, hyung.."

"About what?"

Hyunjin's hand reached for Jisung's phone. Same as always, Jisung just let it be. He knew Hyunjin only wanted to see the pictures in his phone.

"Not you, but Hyunjin-hyung.."

"What about me?"Hyunjin asked and turned to Jeongin.

"About this.."Jeongin poked his finger at the marks or hickey on Hyunjin's neck.

It happened that Hyunjin was opening the camera, he kept seeing what Jeongin meant. Hyunjin's eyes widened when he saw the hickey left by Seungmin. Although the color is not very bright, it can still be seen by anyone.Hyunjin reached for Jisung's hand.

"This is not what you think. This is a mistake! I swear, Jisung!"

Jeongin was laughing.He wrapped his arms around Hyunjin's neck. Hyunjin's body was pushed back. Mistake?Jisung repeated in his heart, but his face still looked calm.

You should be an actor, Jisung! His heart said, sarcastic.

"You explained to Jisung-hyung, like both of you dating and then you're cheating."

"I don't want Jisung to think about something else,"Hyunjin muttered slowly but still reached Jisung and Jeongin's ears.

Jisung in front of him was still keep silence.

"Something else? Like you and Seungmin-hyung dating?"Jeongin guessed.



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