Chapter 28

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For the first time, Stray Kids comeback without Jisung. Jisung refused to join the upcoming comeback after discussing with division one and of course with JYP-dnim. How about his member? They had to accept his decision reluctantly.

Jisung also made the decision to return to Malaysia. He remained in a hiatus for another three months. Chan and Hyunjin are most affected by every decision taken by the younger.

After he confessed to Jisung, Hyunjin began avoiding him. Even though Jisung said nothing about his confession, Hyunjin still felt insecure. Chan is Jisung's first hyung and he knows most about the all-rounder.

"You said you didn't like him. You told me that he liked your little brother."

"Okay, sorry. But yes, I like him a lot. Not just that, I love him. Damn, I love him so much."

Eunwoo smiled while listening to the confessions of the leader of Stray Kids. He noticed that Chan's eyes on Jisung were different from those of his fellow members. Chan has too much bias towards his first 'child'.

"Hyunjin loves him as well."

"I know, and Jisung also loves him,"replied Chan with a sigh.

"Maybe you should talk to Hyunjin about it. Maybe the two of you can have Jisung without either one of you being heartbroken."

Chan's forehead frowned upon hearing the words of the taller.

"You mean..."

"Yes, polyamorous.."

"I don't love Hyunjin the same way I love Sungie."

Eunwoo rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure Hyunjin doesn't love you the way he loves Sungie,"Eunwoo said with a disgusting look.

Chan wanted to smack the taller's head.

"But you said.."

"Listen, shorter.."


The customer at the cafe flinches with Chan's voice. The leader rises to apologize with little bows. Eunwoo laughed without caring for a few of the customers began to pay attention to them.

"I'm not shorter!"Chan whisper-shout.


"Yes, you are.."

"No, I'm not cute! You are!"

"Eh, stop fighting me. I am your hyung after all.."Hyunjin ruffled Jisung's hair with fond smiles. He try avoided Jisung, but he failed. He missed the interaction between them.

"Hmph!"Jisung crossed his arms, pouting.

Hyunjin laughs before embracing the younger one. After lunch, Hyunjin spent most of his time with Jisung. The other members need to finish their recording. Last night, Hyunjin did his part, which gives him the advantage to stay at home with his Jisungie. He wants to spend time with the younger before he goes to Malaysia, this weekend.

"I love you."

"Huh?"Hyunjin looked down at the younger in his embrace. He didn't believe what he heard.

Jisung bit his lips before he looked up. He locked his eyes on the main dancer.

"I love you. I still love you. I remembered everything about us.."

Yes, that is it. Jisung is starting to remember everything. Not quite, but nearly everything.

Slowly, but surely.

He spends a lot of time watching all of their official videos. He also checked out Stay's video. He admitted: The Stay video is more interesting.

Also, his family and aunts look after him every day. Oh, don't forget about his best friends, Eunwoo, Eric and Soobin. He takes advantage of this to ask them about his past.

"What? Since when? As I know.."

"This morning. After checking out a few of our 'hyunsung' videos from our Stay."

Hyunjin can't describe his feelings. How happy he was. He cupped the younger's face. They stare at each other before the older speaks.

"I love you too, Sungie. And I'm sorry about the whole thing. I'm really sorry.."

"Hey, that's all right."

"No, it's not all right. You're hurting because of me. Because of Seungmin. Wait a second. Do you remember you..and him?"Hyunjin wondered hesitantly.

Slowly, the younger nodded. Hyunjin clearly saw sorrow in his eyes. The guilt popped up without Hyunjin asking.

"I'm sorry, baby.."

"Stop apologizing. The past is past. I'm not saying I completely okay with what happened, but I don't want our relationship to be strained by things like that either. Stray Kids is the second family I have. I can't loose  all of you."

Hyunjin didn't know how to respond to the younger's words. Jisung is too good for them. Chan is right, Jisung is not a vindictive person. He can tolerate any circumstances even sometimes it hurts himself.

"And one more thing.."Jisung stopped his words deliberately to attract the older's attention. Hyunjin, still holding his cheek, seemed to await his words.

"I want to give a chance to Chan-hyung too.."


"That's a great idea!"

"Are you sure it's a great idea?"Jeongin looked at his hyung with a nervous expression. He's actually planning to go to university. But he's worried about his college schedule interfering with his group schedule.

"Yes, I am sure! I promise I will help you complete all the documentation,"Chan proudly smiled. Jeongin beams when the leader hugs him.

"Maybe you can take a hiatus to focus on your studies,"suggested Changbin.

Chan nodded as he agreed. Although this conversation is only between the three of them, Chan will ensure that Jeongin follows his dreams. Sure, they already have a comfortable life, but education is still important as well.

"I'll think about it. But if I go on studying, I prefer to do it part-time. Stray Kids still my priority,"answered Jeongin with a smile.

He was pleased that Chan and Changbin had agreed to his plan. Actually he once told Jisung about this and the older gave the same reaction. Jisung's already done some research on which university is best for him. But that happened before the older lost his memory..

"Oh yeah, where's Jisung-hyung?"He asked the other two when he remembered his roommate.

"In Seungmin's room. They have something to talk about,"replied Chan.

"Do you think Jisung remembers something about the past?"asked Changbin who is starting to worry.

He found out Jisung was spending a lot of time on his own. The maknae of 3Racha prefers staying in his room (Chan's room, actually because Hyunjin always stays in his room).

"I'm not sure. He seemed okay to me. He said nothing of his memory,"replied Chan before Hyunjin's appearance.

The appearance of the taller made Chan remember his conversation with Eunwoo. In all honesty, he can 'share' his Jisung with Hyunjin. For him, better Hyunjin than other man. Before they opened their mouth, Hyunjin cut it off.

"Chan-hyung, can I speak with you about something? Privately?"



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