Chapter 22

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The appearance of Jeno, Haechan and Jaemin drew the attention of Stray Kids but Chan. But they stayed to chat as usual, without bringing up about Jisung. They had to stick around for Jisung to wake up from sleep. Stray Kids can breathe a sigh of relief when the doctor declares Jisung will be discharged in two days. It also encouraged them to help Jisung remember his past. Jisung spends more time with Stray Kids than with his family, so the doctor decided for the boy to stay with his members after being discharged.

They gave way to the nurse who entered Jisung's room because they gathered in front of the door of the all-rounder's room. Less than 10 minutes later, the nurse came out.

"Patient wants to meet Kim Seungmin.."

"Huh?"Chan stared at the nurse's face with a glimpse of disbelief. But the nurse just bowed and left.

"I don't believe it!"Hyunjin protested. 

How could Jisung prefer to see the person who caused him like this?

Seungmin was still standing next to Minho.It shocked him when Minho signaled him to come in to meet Jisung.

"I'm scared.."Seungmin admitted.He didn't know what in Jisung's mind.

"If you don't want to meet him, I'll.."

"Lixie,"Changbin pulled the freckled boy's wrist and shook his head.

"He recalled this asshole but us?!"yelled Felix causing the others flinched.

Less than 10 seconds later, Felix was sobbing. He doesn't like to think about Jisung, his 'twin' forgets about him. He still can't accept the person Jisung remembered is Seungmin.

"Go, Seungmin,"said Changbin before Felix did something to their main vocalist.

Seungmin entered Jisung's room with a pounding heart. He opened the door so that the others would know Jisung's condition.

"Seungminie!"Jisung's cheerful tone seemed to hit Seungmin's heart.

Jisung's smiled softly at him, made the feeling of guilt even more pressing.  Seungmin tried to smile, but he couldn't. The only thing he can do right now is cry..

"Seungmin?"Jisung pulled Seungmin's hand when the main vocalist was almost on his bed.

"Why are you crying?"asked Jisung in a worried mood. He wiped Seungmin's tears with his thumb. Jisung's treatment of Seungmin caused the boy sob even harder.

"Chan-hyung.."called Jisung when he saw the leader silent in front of the open door.Chan approached the other two.

"What happened to him? Did someone hurt my Seungminie?"

My Seungminie..

Hyunjin felt his heart break hearing those words. He decided to leave the room, but Minho grabbed his arm.

"Stay,"whispered the older.

"I'm sorry, Jisung. I'm truly sorry.."Seungmin repeated and hugged the all-rounder. Jisung was confused by Seungmin's actions, but he still returned the hug.

The others just looked at the scene without saying a word. The first person Jisung remembers is the person who hurt him.

"Please don't cry, Minie. I'll be sad if you like this."Jisung cupped Seungmin's face with a smile.

"But I'm the one who hurt you.."Seungmin admitted.

Jisung giggles. He didn't believe it.

"You're the last person who would hurt me, Minie. Erm, second last, actually. Channie-hyung would be the last."

Jisung's remarks made Chan chuckle before he ruffled Jisung's hair. Chan can feel that Jisung simply reminds the best moments between him and Seungmin. Jisung and Seungmin's relationship had no issues before, until greed appeared in the main vocalist heart.

But the response of others is different when listening Jisung's statement. Those who didn't hurt Jisung but why is Seungmin the one he remembers?

"This is not fair!"Jeongin ran away from the others. Changbin chases the maknae.

Jisung who heard immediately, paid attention to the others. Suddenly, his views stopped at Haechan.

"You look familiar.."said Jisung. 

Haechan got nervous. He held Jeno's arm.

"Oh yes, three of you from NCT!" continued Jisung with excitement. His eyes seemed to shine when he saw the three boys. Jeno and Jaemin bowed with smiled.

"I can't hold this anymore!"Felix went close to Seungmin before pulling the main vocalist's arm. Seungmin drifted to the side.

"Sungie, look at my eyes! Did you totally forget about me?"Felix said while holding Jisung's cheek. Jisung studied at the freckled boy without emotions.

"Lee Felix. Lee Yongbook. Lixie. Bookie. You're my twin in Stray Kids. We're always hugging and cuddling. We.."

"Lee Felix?"Jisung frowned.He seemed to recall someone's name.

Felix's eyes gleamed when he saw Jisung's response. Jisung stared at Felix's face again. The others started to get uneasy. They wish Jisung to remember everything, but they learn it will take time.

"Lee Minho.."

That line of names made Minho turn to Jisung. His feeling was pleased when he heard his name brought up by the younger.

"You remember Minho-hyung?”asked Felix a little annoyed, but he didn't let go of his twin face.

He missed their 'skinship'!

Chan signaled Minho to come closer.  Jisung glanced at the older without blinking.

"You're Lee Minho?"asked Jisung still confused by his own memory.

"Yes, I'm Lee Minho. But my stage name is Lee Know."

Jisung was silent before he removed Felix's hand from his face. He only gets Lee Minho's name, not the person. He scanned at the rest of them. Not only that, but he felt guilty to them. This is because he does not remember who they are. He tried, but all he could recall was Seungmin and Lee Minho's name. He doesn't recognize Minho's face.

"I'm sorry. I still can't remember all of you.."Jisung said with a trembling tone. He looked down at his finger.

Felix hugs the all-rounder. At first, Felix expected Jisung to push him away, but the all-rounder hugged him back. Felix cried with a smile.

"It's okay if he didn't remember us, but can we hug him? I miss Sungie-hyung.." suggested Jeongin who came in with Changbin. The maknae's eyes look red.

Jisung who picked up the voice, immediately looked over Felix's shoulder. They were still standing in front of the door. Only NCT ​​members sit on the couch.

"Come here.."called Jisung.

Felix let go of the hug and stood next to Chan. He also glared at Seungmin. He still can't accept his twin remembers the main vocalist rather than him.

The maknae cried first before he hugged his roommate. Jisung could sense the younger's sadness when they hugged. Without realizing, Jisung cried.

"I miss you, hyung.."


(a/n — I'm back! Thanks for your votes and comments. I appreciate it 😊 I'll ask 'Jisung and his friends' to reply your comments. Thanks again, and please stay safe and healthy!)


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