Chapter 3

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"I know. But that's not important. The important thing now is that I want to hear an explanation from both of you."

Hyunjin and Minho glared at each other, but both of them did not dare to speak. After all, Chan's face was different tonight. Looks tired, disappointed, and sad. To avoid the situation getting worse, Minho and Hyunjin decide to keep quiet.

"I don't know what the issue is with both of you, but I hope tonight's issue is solved immediately. And if possible.."

Chan's words stopped when he heard an incoming message. He took out the phone. The name of My First Child 🐿️ is written on the phone screen.

My First Child 🐿️
Hyung, I'm not coming back tonight. I stay at my aunt's house. Thanks for everything, hyung. I love you.

Okay, but tomorrow you must be here. And I love you too, Hannie. Good night.

"Jisung won't be back tonight. So, there's no need to wait for him,”said Chan, and left the dining area.

Hyunjin immediately entered the room he shared with Seungmin and Jisung. He reached for the phone on the bed. He tried to call Jisung's number, but he didn't answer. Hyunjin sat on the edge of the bed while before trying again. But still the same. 

Seungmin who had been watching Netflix turned to his best friend. Earphone pulled. Instead of lying down, he was now sitting. His eyes were still looking at Hyunjin's behavior.

"Come on, Sungie. Pick up the phone.."He muttered nervously.

"Hyunjin, are you okay?"


"Of course I'm okay.."

"If you're okay, you won't sit here at a time like this.."

Jisung did not reply. He just looked the ice Americano he had in hand. The night weather was freezing, which made him shiver. The woman next to him was already shaking her head.

"Cold weather with cold drink. What is a perfect combination?" His aunt said in a sarcastic tone.

"Where's my aunt? Why are you coming, but not her?"

"Seriously, Jisung? Did you forget I'm your aunt, too?"

"Nosy aunt.."muttered Jisung before he felt his ear being pinched.

"Ow, that hurts!"

"You deserve it. Let's go back. Tomorrow I have a photoshoot,” spoke Han So Hee and got up from her seat. 

Palm reached out to her nephew. Jisung instantly greeted his aunt's palm.

“You're not scared that someone will see us holding hands like this?” asked Jisung.

Even though the area was quiet, there was still a possibility that it would follow them.

"I've never feared people seeing us. You're the afraid one. Same with your dad. Until when do you need to keep the fact that I'm your aunt?"

"I'm not just keeping you as a secret, but also my favorite aunt, Han Hyo Joo. And you know my reason, right?"

Han So Hee stopped walking. She studied at her nephew's face while smiling. In fact, she couldn't wait to tell everyone that Han Jisung, a representative of Stray Kids, was her nephew. Her sister, Han Hyo Joo also shared her opinion. They are both Stay!

"I know, and I respect your decision."

But she still respects her nephew's request. After all, many people don't learn that she and Han Hyo Joo have a brother who lives in Malaysia. Her brother demanded his family in Malaysia to be away from the fame.

Because of that, when Jisung chose to be an idol, his mom, and dad proposed for the same thing. Jisung was begged not to reveal about family members and to hide his relationship with his two aunts.

"Thank you. You're the best!" Jisung reached to hug his aunt.

"I thought your other aunt was the best?"

"Nope. You're, but still, she's my favorite aunt!”said Jisung and ran away from his aunt who had huge eyes.

"Han Jisung!"


"Yes, hyung?"

"Jisung isn't back yet?"Chan asked Jeongin.

"Didn't come back? Where did he go?" Jeongin asked. He thought Jisung was still sleeping.

Chan didn't respond. Felix, who was resting on the couch in the living room, glanced towards Jisung's room shared with Hyunjin and Seungmin. Without thinking, he entered the room.

"Guys, oops!"

Seungmin and Hyunjin who were hugging, were startled by Felix's confronted. Even though it wasn't Jisung who came in, Hyunjin still broke the hug. He knows Jisung is close to Felix. He didn't want Felix to tell Jisung what he saw earlier.

But it's different with Seungmin. He places his head on Hyunjin's chest and his hands hug the taller's waist.

"What do you want, Lixie?" asked Seungmin who looked comfortable in his bed.

Last midnight, he calmed Hyunjin's uneasiness until the dancer fell asleep next to him.

"Jisung. Where is he?"

Hearing that name made Seungmin roll his eyes. Since last midnight, they have mentioned only that line of names.

"Chan-hyung said he didn't come back last night," explained Hyunjin who ended his sentence with a sigh.

Seungmin turn towards Hyunjin.

"Why did you call him if you knew he wouldn't get back?" Seungmin asked who was trying to control his jealousy.

Seungmin and Hyunjin are best friends. The two of them have been together since pre-debut. But when Hyunjin gets close to Jisung, Seungmin hates them all-rounder.

Jisung is considered being the middleman in the friendly relationship between him and Hyunjin. He prefers Hyunjin to pay attention only to himself.

"I just want to make sure where he is? With whom? That's all," pointed out Hyunjin.

"You like him, Hyunjin?" shot Seungmin.



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