Part 23: Jason The Toy Maker

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Three boy's stood in front of you Liu, Toby and BEN begging for new toy as there old toys were getting old and ruined to the point of nearly breaking, Toby and BEN giving you puppy dog eyes as Liu just stood there looking kind of shy and afraid of asking. You thought for a moment then said yes, walking off to your room to get ready to leave, you put on (outfit).

Walking through the woods as Toby and Ben racing each other but not going to far, Liu held your hand, "Mum" Liu said in a quite voice you smiled looking down at Liu "Yes dear" as you look forward to see where your walking "can I have a new toy" Liu squeaked out his words "of course Liu, I'm getting everyone a new toys". BEN ran up to you "did you see that Mother, I won the race" BEN floating backwards "no you didn't, I won" Toby yelled out with a slight twitch at BEN with a pout, you just let out a giggle "I don't know, I think you both won to me" you smiled "WHAT!" both boys said unhappy with that answer.

A building with a sign saying Toy Store "BEN would you mind helping us getting in" you said has your hands are taken by Toby Liu "of course Mother" BEN worked his magic and got in the store "Thank you sweet heart" giving BEN a kiss on the head "I want one too" Toby said pouting, letting out a small laugh you gave him the same kiss as BEN and both boys took of looking through toy they want to get.

Looking down at Liu now both hands holding yours "whats wrong Liu?" Kneeing down to his height "This shop smells funny" Liu moving closer to you, picking him up you looked around then headed to the back. Opening the door as there is a heavy small of blood, walking in more you found a boy with red hair and Yellow eyes.

The looked at you and Liu unsure what to do or how you got there, you smiled at the boy "Hello child" you put Liu down and he want over to a really large looking snake toy "who are you miss?" the boy asked "I'm (Y/N) or you can call me Mother" walking over to him to see what he is working on "I'm Jason The Toy Maker, I'm working on this doll" the doll looked weird as it is mixed with skin and wax.

After a while you ended up giving Jason a hug has is cried about how lonely he is and that everyone kept leaving him or he ended up killing them. BEN and Toby trying to talk with Jason and telling him about the Mansion and that there are other kids that live there just like him and them, he looked up at you "can I come live you?" asking through sniffles, pulling out a cloth and wiping his face "of course you can, I'm sure you'll make lots of friends there".

Taking both hands of Liu and Jason as the other two start running off again just like how they did when you first left home, Liu and Jason talking the whole time. When you got home, all the children ran up to asking questions and looking through the bags of toys, Jason ended up indeed making friends and had some fights with others, Slendy on the other hand is not happy with having so many children in his home, but he can't fight with his mother/you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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