Part 18: Bloody Painter

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Lunch has already passed and you decided to have a nice walk in the woods, Liu and Eyeless Jack wanted to go as well and held your hand. When walking down further into the woods, Toby jumped out of a bush scaring Liu and EJ, the three of them started to argue with each other. Which you brock the arguing and kept on walking, soon you came across a town; the boys looked at their new surroundings. Liu spotted an ice-cream truck "um (Y/N)" Liu tugged on your (F/C) (Shirt/Hoody/Dress). Liu pointed to the truck and you gave a nod. The three boys ran up to the ice-cream truck going inside, but when opening the door a boy with black hair, icy blue eyes, blue jacket with a yellow smiley face pinned on his jacket and a white mask with a bloody smile on it. When you looked into to van you saw that he had ice-cream all over his face and jacket and mixed with blood also with a dead body behind him, the boy held up a melted ice-cream cone for you to take. "No thanks" you said with a small smile in your face, course you too are covered in blood, soon the other boys got ice-cream on them as well and they talked with the boy known as Helen or The Bloody Painter. It was getting late and you all had to go home, which Helen had no were to go, "you could always come with us" you said, Helen just gave a nod and held your hand. When you got home, the three boys that were with you at the start showed Helen around the mansion, after wards you had to give Helen a bath then help Slender with was time for bed and Helen is drawing in bed "time for bed mister" you said tucking him in bed. In the morning you found a picture of the whole family on the fridge, with that you made breakfast.

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