chapter 44

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They waking up my evil side

Jack is on his feeding time to his adorable babies. He happily run after those little ones in the room. The two little babies wearing their baby walkers is running afraid of their mommy to feed them. But in the end they all end up to catch by the man.

"mommy is here..... Open your small mouth little angels of dad and mom"

",......a.a.a...mmmm" the little ones said.

They enjoy their morning routine  as mother and childs. They play together and bath together.

In a short period of time after Jack changes the babies. He make sure that the hair of the children are dry before they got another napp of tge day. But in the middle of the duty of a man to his kids, the phone is ring. Jack checking on it when he saw his husband on the caller ID. His heart beating worried and wondering. He grabbed his hand phone and answered the call immediately.

"Hello honey."

" Hello baby...."

" honey why you call? Are you at the company? There is anything happen?"

"Baby everything is under control please... Be careful and our babies. Wife always remember. Whatever happens today I will survive because of you and and our kids." Alexander voice from the other line that made Jack heart to be broken into paces.

Jack is on his worried moment, his instinct is kicking him, he was fully aware on the tone of the person voice. He think how to help his husband. His group is make sure the safety of his man. But as far as his people call him in the morning about the south border he was sure Alexander is on his way to the place.

" Honey.... Don't scare me please... Please come home safely.... We were waiting you here. " he said.... Even though he knows it was to dangerous. He only want the man to be at his side.

After the call. The Jack is on conversation with his people to follow the tracking device he put for his husband car. After making his call, he ordered the guards to watch the whole area of the house. He check the unusual movement of his home. He let his nannies sleeping under the sleeping drug, in just ten minutes and put them in the secret rooms under ground of the house. Where all the things for survival are on that area for how many days.

He put a five guards in the babies rooms door just a show to the enemies who come that the family still at home. In that possession no one think that the family is gone.

"Whatever happens don't open the door. For my children's and my safety. Okay. " Jack order them.

"Yes doc."

He triple lock the door and the windows he closed making sure no one can enter directly. He doesn't want to repeat the scenario happens not that long time ago to their childrens. He make sure all the things is in the plan and safe.

After making sure everything is in the place at home in just fifteen minutes. He take his two guns and extra bullets and put on his protective gears. He ride his bicycle and run the destination where his husband trap by the enemies, he call the group he build for this kind of situation.

He get all the best man of the syndicate of his mother family. That handles by his most trusted persons Tyrone and Harold.

Tyrone is his personal trainer of all kind of self defense and guns ever since he was in Australia. His most trusted man is looking the enemies and fighting. Tyron holds thirty persons specialized in combatants.

Harold is the man who is his IT base, he is the builder of all kind of systems for investigations use the computer and satellite system, locator and GPS. And he had ten a world class IT members in his team.

"IT base...... Combat base.... How was the situation in the area now?"

"Sir it is IT base I saw tunnels in the area, and we don't know what is inside."

" That is not good. Connect the whole team of our doctors and send it in the area with four ambulance. Fully equipped of medicines and tools for surgery and bloods."

"Copy doc...."

" keep your eye on the monitoring in the area.... And combat base.... How was the situation now from air?"

"Doc. we can't get close in the land because of the the aircrafts of sir. Alexander."

"Hold on I call Zeus."

Jack is ringing the phone of Zeus in three rings the right hand of his husband is answer him. He warning them the present of his team.

"Hello Zeus..."

"Doc. Sir Alexander is in the fire zone now."

"I know.. I call to warning your time that my team Aircraft is near in the area to give a support. And I'm on my way now......"

Jack words cut by a loud explosion. And he is on his worried time. He let his bicycle almost fly.

"What is that?" Jack heard from the other line.

"Hello Zeus what happened?"

"Doc the car of sir Alexander is entering the tunnel and the tunnel is exploded just now."

"Noooooooo......" Jack shouts in frustration and anger...... "Fire all of that enemies around don't let anyone alive." Jack give his first order to Zeus and Tyron, and the two leaders are follow the order of Jack.

In a short period of time Jack arrived the area and saw the enemies in the ground still fighting to his man's and he use his gun to killed all the enemies was remain in the ground. This time all the guards of his husband brought from home is with Alexander's car inside of the tunnel.

In that moment the people from that aircraft of his husband started to goes down and also his people. Then he give another order to killed all out of his angry.

He exchange a fire till the last enemy stand. He take a life in that time, he forget he is a life savior. All the things people saw to him now gone, the only see was a warrior in the war zone.

Untill Jack heard the sound of the ambulance. He knows that is his people he let to come. He ordered the two leaders of the two groups to bring him a car where he get some amount of water to wet a pace of cloth.

"Zeus, and Tyron brings me that cars now..."

The two leaders grab the two cars of the enemy near from them, and park near to the tunnel

" Boss here... The car ....." Zeus said.

Jack grab the car and take the engine water to make him self wet, and take a cloth from the died body and put also a water on it, then he put it in his mouth and nose.

Jack grad pace of metal to break down the door of the cars inside. As what Jack does, the two leaders is following him. The three brave man drove the bicycle as fast as they could going inside of the tunnel to avoid the small fire from the explosion. Jack saw the the cars turned upside down his eyes almost jump out of the sackett .....

When the car is opened. Jack was so worry to see his husband. The face of the man inside of the car was full of blood. His eyes is already closed because of the impact of the explosion. In the first look you can said the person is dead.
............ To be continued..............

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