Chapter 21: David and Goliath

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The blizzard of the gnome mountain blew strong, but Chalice, and  I persisted against the storm. We finally arrived at the mountain where funny little men were working and no pun intended, mining their own business. Following a piece of crafty advice given to me by my friend Chalice, we disguised ourselves as one of the gnomes, to gather information. Thus testing out another one of my newfound powers, as known as shape-shifting. So far, Chalice's plan was working splendidly, so far as being courted by some miners.

" Can we help you, missus?" Said, one of the gnomes, after much shenanigans. "Just say the word, and we'll make it happen."

I turned plottingly to Ms. Chalice, then back at the gnomes. We explained that we needed a couple of their berries for a delicious recipe, the Wondertart. The gnomes were hesitant to oblige and hesitant to hand them over, but if it wasn't for Chalice's mastery of the art of charm, this thing would've taken forever. But then, things got ugly really quick, and we soon found the source of the gnomes' hesitation.

"WHO DARES TO STEAL MY GNOME BERRIES?!" A cavernous voice boomed. It was Glumstone, the mountain giant. We tried to tell him that we asked the gnomes for it, but the beast wouldn't see through our motivations, that's when the rudeness of the beast provoked us.

" You're making a mistake bigger than yourself, buddy..." I said, before we threw off our disguises, and revealed our true selves, much to getting a collective gasp from the gnomes, but in the end, we fought Glumstone with all our weapons, as he summoned a swarm of geese in which I got the upper hand, by using my dagger to take a swipe at the birds while Ms. Chalice took a few other shots at that brute, and it was more than enough for Glumstone to get infuriated enough to rip out his beard and go crashing to the ground with an earth-shattering thud!

" Is he dead?" I asked Ms. Chalice as we looked down, only for Glumstone to rise, beardless, black-eyed, and with two puppets in his hand.

 Chalice as we looked down, only for Glumstone to rise, beardless, black-eyed, and with two puppets in his hand

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"No!" Ms. Chalice replied as we dodged the ball that the puppets, that looked exactly like my two dads, bounced around. I find it insulting the fact that the Devil puppet was dressed in a king's crown, and robe, whereas the one that represented King Dice was dressed as a jester, or in other words, like a buffoon. I've had it with this guy, so much that I had a hand in the puppet's destruction. Then all of a sudden, we heard two voices screaming, as Glumstone was parried in the face.

"Don't worry girls," Mugman said, while flying with what it looks to be a propeller straw, "we'll help ya!"

It was satisfying to know that the Cup bros. had bantered up with us once again. Mugman even had a change of clothing, although keeping his blue and black aesthetic.

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The bad news was, that Glumstone broke the platform we were standing on, only to swallow us whole, and burp loudly once he was done. We fell like a rock, in the giant's belly, only to find ourselves surrounded by nothing but acid, skeletal crocodiles, and a giant uvula with a face and grey strands of hair.

"Our shots are not enough, guys," Mugman complained.

"If only we had something to throw at this thing!" Chalice added.  

That's when I noticed, a large stone floating by the lake of bile, and had an idea, that started with taking off my shoes and socks. Which of course, caused eyebrows to lift.

"Cocoa, what're you doing...?" Cuphead asked, with caution to his tone. I placed the rock inside my sock, and started spinning it on my grasp.

"It's simple, sweetheart," I replied, "There's more than one way to slay a giant!" 

With that being said, a 100% accurate throw of the stone filled sock, was all it took to knock both the uvula monster, and Glumstone out! We got out of the giant's belly, safely, finally breathing out the scent of victory, specially because we got the 2nd Wondertart ingredient, the Gnome Berries.

With that being said, a 100% accurate throw of the stone filled sock, was all it took to knock both the uvula monster, and Glumstone out! We got out of the giant's belly, safely, finally breathing out the scent of victory, specially because we got...

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"You should be careful what ya eat." Miss Chalice said, as we went triumphantly, with a dead mountain giant it's wake. As we walked home, Chalice and I asked the two boys,  what they were doing in this remote part of Inkwell. In which both boys kissed me on the cheek. They said their part of Inkwell was dreadfully dull without me around, and they even asked me about demon school. I told them I'm doing fine in there for now, just so long as I don't get into detention.

" Hey Cocoa, just outta curiosity, " Cuphead asked, " what happens if you receive detention in demon school?"

To their horror, I told them that if anyone ever get into detention, they are held captive, and never seen again, such was the fate of my uncle's children. I also told the three of them that the owner of the school, Ms. Lilith, was ruthless to everyone, especially me because I am the daughter of her ex- husband, the Devil. We devised a plan that day, that went as follows: While I was at school, the boys would explore more of the isle with miss chalice and if things got ugly, they should intervene. We all agreed, on the plan but I reckoned I won't be able to stay out of mayhem, anytime soon. 

"Hey, how come you went on an adventure without me?" said, a voice from up the hills. It was Bendy grinning from ear to ear. "I'm afraid, I haven't made my introductions to these two yet."

With that being said, Bendy used his tail as a staircase to get to us, which left the Cup brothers amazed. Introductions went quickly as we continued on our stroll, and despite his arrogance,  Bendy proved to be one of us. He even revealed he was reading all about the Calix Animi and could share it's secrets if necessary, and I have to say, our group of friends were getting stronger every day. It was only a matter of time, before we were prepped for a rebellion against Lilith and her scociopathic school system...

 It was only a matter of time, before we were prepped for a rebellion against Lilith and her scociopathic school system

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