Chapter 23: The Ocean's Ballad

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The temperature continued to be as parched as ever after we hustled with the most corrupt cow in this here's Wild West, as known as Sherrif Esther Westchester. I was completely weirded out by the fact that I literally watched her being cooked alive into an anthropomorphic bratwurst sausage, then being forced to fight her remains while she spat all kinds of peppers. Let me tell you this after we landed, I literally threw my guts up. 

"Cocoa, c'mon!" Chalice exclaimed, "it wasn't that bad, at least we got the Desert Limes."


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"Sorry Chalice," I gasped, "It's been a weird day."

I had to take a bath at my apartment after that wily weird mess we were forced to confront, but that wasn't the worst of it, no. I know I am part demon, thus being able to withstand temperatures as blistering as Hell itself, but I'm also part human; So I guess it's no surprise that I almost dragged myself home, with an unforgiving sunburn and rust on my mug.

"What did you do this time?" Asked King Dice, to my three friends.

Cuphead and Mugman explained that we fought Esther in the extreme heat of the West, and overall I saw a lot of weird things.

"For instance," Mugman asked, "have you ever seen a cow being cooked alive into strands of sausage?"

The cringing of his face was the answer.

Meanwhile, I was behind the transparent curtains singing this song as I bathed:

"Wow, I didn't know she could sing!" Cuphead cried. "and in the shower, no less!"

King Dice chuckled.

"That's because youse guys haven't seen how she preforms in the casino." He said with a wink, "Come by for a performance sometime." 

I was in the middle of my beauty bath, when suddenly the shower rumbled, and I screamed as a fish came gushing out of the shower, with nothing but filth on his scale. The fish looked completely unwell, and I knew he was about to seal his fate.

"Señorita..."  it coughed. " Help us...!"

I was beginning to panic, but then something amazing happened: I stroke the fish with the palm of my hand, and for some reason, the little fish had no more signs of malady.

"You've healed me, Señorita," the fish cried. "May the seven seas bless you!"

Before he went however, the Hispanic goldfish told me of his plight: The ocean was suddenly becoming polluted, since someone captured Cala Maria, and took her away from her home.

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