chap thirty eight

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third person pov

scarlet and aiden arrived at the hospital, their hearts thumping in their chest

they told they lady at the front desk who they were here for and how they were related to her, they were able to past by and they raced to charlotte's room

in charlotte's room she laid in her bed, her eyes gazing out of the open window

she just wanted to sleep forever

the memories of what harper had said invaded her mind as soon as she woke up and she clenched her eyes shut, wanting to go back into the space where she didnt think about it

she hated that her little sister hated her forsomething that was out of her control

if only she wasnt trying to enjoy life with scarlet and aiden

speaking of the devil's...

the room door pushed open and entered the girls

ever since their lover had been in the hospital they'd visit her everyday hoping and praying she'd wake up. aiden would brush out charlotte's thick curls to keep it from tangling terribly while scarlet would file down her sharp nails

overall they took care of their girl

the women hearts swelled as they looked at charlotte who seemed to be in another dimension

aiden was first to touch her, running her fingertips over her shoulder that tensed under her touch

"pretty girl..." scarlet whispered

charlotte twisted her head to look at them and unshed tears pricked at her eyes

"im sorry.." she cried, knowing how much this mustve hurt them

"oh my pretty baby its okay i just wish you wouldve came to us" aiden whispered

"is-" charlotte swallowed hard, her throat going dry and suddenly clenching

scarlet reached for the glass of water sitting on the counter and handed it to charlotte who immediately gulped it down

"is... mama woke?" she whispered, her chest swelling with hope

aiden and scarlet shared a sad glance before looking back at charlotte with sadness

"ch-" before aiden could tell her there suddenly was screaming and frantic feet running outside of the room. "hold on"

she rushed to see what all the commotion was about and saw about a billion nurses and doctor's running

okay maybe not a billion but a lot

she grabbed one of the nurses arm, a petite dark skin girl with passion twist cascading down her back

"hey whats going on?"

marla, the nurse, looked at aiden with speechlessness

she had never seen someone so.. she didnt know how to describe how beautiful she thought aiden was

"w-what?" she stuttered, her cheeks burning into flames

aiden noticed this and bit back a smirk. not the time to be cocky, she thought

"i said whats going on. whats all the rush?"

marla blinked and suddenly registered what aiden had said

"oh um i cant tell you that" marla shoulder got bumped as another nurse rushed by

"come on. just tell me a snip" aiden pressed

"um... one of the patients who had a 35% survival rate has suddenly woken up... its a miracle"

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