forty - six

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charlotte pov

i rolled over in my bed and my eyes fluttered open as i felt the space being empty

thoughts from last night came back and i blushed as i sat up

scarlet and aiden weren't in bed no more

i- i hope they didnt.....

i shook my head at my insecure thoughts

no they wouldn't do that.

i stood up and quickly grabbed the bed as my legs almost went out on me

i cleared my throat in embarrassment even though no one was here and slowly walked down to the kitchen on shaky legs

i breathed out a relieved sigh as i heard scarlet and aiden in the kitchen talking and chuckling

"hi" i said shyly, ducking my head at the two eyes that immediately found mine then dragged down my body

i wore aiden's brief's and scarlet's shirt

what can i say? its just something about wearing both of their clothing that comforts me.

scarlet cleared her throat, "hey pretty girl. we were gonna wake you up but decided you need all the sleep you can get it," she smiled

"yeah its food in the microwave for you. considering its... 11:20am and you have to be to work at 1:30pm best you eat up"

my eyes slightly widen at the time

"oh... oh! okay th-thank you"

i went to the microwave and grabbed my plate.

it was still a bit hot so i slowly made my way over to the table that scarlet and aiden at

i slowly sat down and hissed

my butt hurts.

i could feel the smug eyes on me and blushed

"why arent you guys eating?" i asked, slipping a piece of bacon in my mouth

"ate already" aiden hummed

scarlet nod in agreement as she sipped from her mug

"we all have to be to work today but after me and aiden is going to my dad's because he needs help with something" scarlet rolled her eyes

"oh.." i looked down at my plate

"whats wrong?" scarlet asked

"it- its nothing" i chuckled trying to brush it off. "nothing."

"tell us" scarlet pressed

"its n-"

"charlotte." scarlet said more sternly this time

"o-okay.. can i- can i come too?" i looked down at my food shyly

a finger was placed under my chin and my head was tilted. i looked at aiden who was smiling softly

"ask again, but while looking at scarlet."

my cheeks warmed and i cleared my throat. i looked at scarlet

"can i come too?" i whispered

she put on a playful thinking face

"hmmm... will you be bringing that pretty smile with you?" she teased

i giggled and slowly nodded

"then of course! but first we have to get to work.." she stood up

i stuffed the rest of my food in my mouth before getting up so we could all get ready

i walked into the work building hoping no one saw all the hickies left across my body

i didnt realize there was so many til i looked in the mirror

i nearly fainted. it looked like there were a million leeches planted on my body

scarlet and aiden thought it was very funny.

i did not.

scarlet had to come to work early because she had a meeting to go to therefore aiden dropped me off

my car is still in the shop.

i said hi to the people passing by me and they responded

i got in the elevator and clicked my floor. i hummed to the low music playing in the background

the elevator stopped at another floor and it opened

i was surprised to see aneglic coming into the elevator

the last time i had saw her was a while back. she had gotten sick over the month

she looked up in surprise

"charlotte! hey!" she said in shock and pulled me into a hug

i chuckled awkwardly and patted her back

"hey angelic. i hope your feeling better" i said when we pulled back

"i definitely am now that ive seen you" she grinned. "how have you been? its such a shame we never got to have that dat- i mean lunch the next day, you know when you rain checked because of our bitch of a boss" she said with a roll of an eye, her hand finding my arm

i slightly moved away

"yeah what a shame..."

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