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    —        H E A D    O V E R   H E E L S         —

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    —        H E A D    O V E R   H E E L S         —

a/n: spam comment and like 🤍

I BEGIN to take in the surroundings around me, i sigh happily, the bitter sweet morning of october welcoming me with its colourful nature.

a chilly breeze brushes past me causing me to wrap my poncho around my figure a little tighter, hoping to get more warmth out of the soft material.

every step i take is followed by the sharp sound of the leaves crunching below my shoe, i look to see small pumpkins and big pumpkins on peoples porch, not a single one had been carved... yet.

i hear a bike nearing me and turn to see the paperboy, billy showalter, i give him a small smile and a gentle wave which he attempts to return, his bike goes side to side but he manages to control it again.

i let out a small laugh as his dog lets out a few barks, the two passing me as the sun begins to give a more golden glow to the atmosphere.

i finally make it to my house and see gran sat on the porch in her rocking chair, crotcheting a colourful scarf, judging by its size it was probably for my little sister danny.

"morning, gran" i smile, giving her a kiss on the cheek which she jumps to.

"blimey, y/n!" she exclaims, "your as cold as ice, oh! just look at your nose and cheeks, as red as a strawberry!"

"gran, it's not that bad" i laugh, looking down at my fingerless gloves shrugging, "i'll go inside and get warm near the fire then"

"oh y/n, dear! please grab my glasses, i'm as blind as a bat" gran tuts, shaking her head at herself as she continues her work.

i walk inside and grab her glasses before peaking through the door, passing her the glasses, she takes them with a hum causing me to roll my eyes slightly.

— 🍁

i check the time and see it's four o'clock, i decide to take a trip to grab n go, i run upstairs to my room, abba playing on my record player quietly.

i decide to turn it off and grab my money, making my way out, putting on my poncho and gloves again, along with a shoulder bag.

"i'm off to grab n go, ma!" i yell, brushing off any hairs on my outfit.

"be safe, sweetie!" she replies, danny sat on her hip as they begin to make food, i wave to the two of them and walk out onto the porch, jumping off as i enter the street.

i readjust the grip on my bag and see kids all around, laughter filling my ears as they threw leaves or biked around the neighbourhood.

the sun was slowly setting making a breath taking setting, i then notice a friend of mine in front of me, bruce yamada.

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