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    —        H E A D    O V E R   H E E L S         —

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    —        H E A D    O V E R   H E E L S         —

I WAS currently walking through the streets listening to my walkman full blast as i listened to elton john, crossing the road i make my way to school.

a new poster catches my eye and i look to see a picture of vance hopper, he had gone missing just like griffin stagg, i take off my headphones and pause my music.

looking around i notice a black van passing me, crossing the road i try to keep my distance and walk into school.

"y/n!" gwen calls, racing to my locker.

"hey, gwenny" i smile, pulling my books out of my locker, "what's up?"

"did you hear about the halloween party?"

"yeah i found out yesterday, why?"

"we should go together! matching outfits and all!"

"i'll think about it, kiddo"

she lets out a squeal of excitement before running off to her next class, smiling, i start heading to my own lesson.

"miss l/n.. you're late" the maths teacher mr richardson sighs, pushing his glasses up his nose and he looks over at me from the chalk board, "sit next to mr arellano"

i make my way over to robin with a nod which he returns, sitting down i put my bag beside me before writing down notes from the board.

a paper ball then hits me and i look to my left to see robin glancing over at me, hitting the ball closer to my direction.

i grab the ball sighing, he shuffles in his seat before pretending he's paying attention, i open the ball to see handwriting.

'what's the answer to question 3?'

i turn to robin, rolling my eyes as i toss the paper to him without writing an answer, robin then scribbles again.


grabbing my pen i jot down the answer for question 3, tossing the paper over to him again which he smirks at me mumbling a thanks.

i continue my work but end up getting bored, grabbing my paper i begin to doodle tiny patterns on top of the corner of my page.

the bell rang and everyone quickly rushed out of their chairs to go to their next lessons, i readjust my tote bag and begin walking to english.

— 🍁

turns out mrs walters is a huge fan of the spooky season as she puts on another movie... halloween.

i turn to billy with a smile on my face, he furrows his eyebrows as he looks at the screen, the theme song playing loudly.

"have you not seen this before?" i ask causing the boy to turn his gaze over to me.

"no, i haven't actually" he mumbles, leaning forward in his seat, concentrating on the movie.

HEAD OVER HEELS // ROBIN ARELLANOWhere stories live. Discover now