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    —        H E A D    O V E R   H E E L S         —

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    —        H E A D    O V E R   H E E L S         —

I RUB my eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness of the room, i give myself a big stretch before sighing, sitting up with my head in my laps.

"what's the matter" a voice speaks out and i gasp, jumping to my feet, stumbling towards the wall behind me.

it was almost like a static voice, i look around to see a hazy figure, flickering slightly as it walks around, i squint my eyes slightly to get a better look.

"don't be scared..." the voice says before it fades away like dust, i feel something grab my hand and jump slightly.

i look to see a sleepy robin looking up at me confused, he pulls on my hand gently, signalling me to sit down.

"get back to sleep, y/n" he yawns, turning onto his stomach before using his arms as a head rest, he sighs softly before falling asleep again.

but i couldn't, i just sat there looking out the window as the street lights shone through, giving me enough light to look around the room, i then hear a phone ring.

i look to see the black phone on the wall... ringing, i turn to robin to see him unfazed by the sound, i get up and stand in front of the phone.

i stand there debating on whether or not i should answer it, a few seconds later i snatch the phone off it's holder and hold it to my ear.

"hello?" i whisper, being careful not to wake robin again.

"y/n.." a voice calls, i jump and hang up quickly, my heart racing as i lean onto the wall.

the phone began ringing again and i let out a big sigh, i didn't want to answer it but i felt like i had to.. so that's what i did.

"don't hang up" the voice says, it sounded strangely familiar.

"i won't.. who is this?" i ask the boy on the phone, leaning on the wall again.

"i don't remember my name" the voice says, the static making it difficult to pin point who it was.

"why not?" i ask gently, looking down at robin as he begins to stir.

"it's the first thing you lose"

"first thing you lose when?"

"you know when"

"how do you know my name?" i question the boy, fiddling with the phone cord slightly.

"we were very close once..." the boy sighs, "you were my best friend..."

"you were?"

"don't tell me you've forgotten me already, y/n/n" the boy says causing a pang to shoot through my heart as i slowly slide down the wall.

"baseball boy..." i mumble, tears forming in my eyes, "bruce? oh my god bruce"

"yeah! i'm bruce..." the boy says almost sounding relieved, "hey pumpkin"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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