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    —        H E A D    O V E R   H E E L S         —

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    —        H E A D    O V E R   H E E L S         —

I TOSS and turn in my bed as i heard my alarm go off, i let out a long groan, face on my pillow as i blindly move my hand around for the clock.

i tap the surface of my bedside table trying to find it, i eventually lift my head and just hit the alarm so it turned silent, i stretch and look
out my window to see a tree in between the houses.

i make my way over to the bathroom and turn the shower on making sure it's hot, i then undress, stepping in the bathtub sighing, the water sending chills down my spine as i warm up from the cold.

i wash my hair and body before rinsing off, stepping out as i dry my body, wrapping the towel around myself i walk into my room closing my curtains and door.

i then pick an outfit for school it had a cozy sort of feeling to it, matching with the season outside, pretty much most people know how much i love october, how much i love autumn.

that's the only reason some people call me pumpkin, bruce uses the name quite often but not all the time.

i slip on my doc martens boots, perfect for the weather outside, it was a dark gloomy day today, my favourite kind.

i quickly dry my hair and play around with it until i'm happy, i then grab my gloves and poncho again along with my bag before going downstairs.

"good morning, guys!" i smile seeing freshly made pancakes on the side, i take one pancake and look at the time, i was going to be late, "bye!"

i take a bite of the pancake as i close the door, looking around at the dark foggy atmosphere around me, i smile, jumping over the porch fence beginning my walk to school, i hear a bike and see billy.

"morning!" i smile at the boy, he looks over and returns the smile.

"morning, ma'am!" billy nods, throwing newspapers on everyone's yard.

i finally make it to school, rain began to lightly fall from the dark morning sky causing a few people to yell in surprise and race inside, i just wait for the stampede of students to calm down before walking in.

i walk towards my locker and see a poster hung up on the wall next to it 'missing' it was a boy named griffin stagg,

"went missing last night" a voice says behind me, i turn around to see vance hopper fidgeting with a pocket knife.

"i'm sorry?" i say, my way of asking him to repeat himself.

"stagg boy, went missing last night, his mum said he was out riding his bike and never came back" vance shrugged, finally looking over at me as his pocket knife moves around his fingers.

"oh.. well i hope they find him" i sigh, grabbing the things i need from my locker and putting the things i don't need away.

"they will, just not how they want to" vance shrugs walking away, a few kids cowering away from him.

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