Chapter 1: The beginning

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A/N: Hi there!

This is the first chapter of the new story I'm writing, and it follows classical betrayal trope with some plot twists, so I hope you'll enjoy it! Also, there will be a second chapter coming out today, so, with that said, let's get this show on the road!!!

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Jaune was exhausted in more ways than one. At first Cardin overheard him talking on the scroll with his sister Saphron, were he ensured her that his falsified transcripts are still secret and used this information to blackmail blonde knight. This lasted for 3 weeks until Jaune saved his ass from Ursa Major. Did Cardin see the error of his ways and became a better person? Nope. Being saved by "Beacon's weakling" and his own team running away on him hurt his pride, so he told entire student body about Jaunes transcripts.

Once that happened, almost every student started harassing poor knight, bullied him and constantly attacked him at every chance they got. In combat class, students choose to have sparring matches against him for the sole chance of ending him. Combat instructor and headmistress of Beacon Glynda Goodwitch was forced to allow those fights to happen to not show any favoritism, but she did her best to stop the fight whenever Jaunes Aura was about to hit the red zone, but at times even her announcement or semblance was not enough to stop students, especially Yang and Cardin, from trying to break boys Aura and possibly crippling him. Of course, they received punishments' and were warned that if such behavior during combat class will repeat 2 more times then they'll be expelled.

That lessened attacks on Jaune during combat class, but it didn't protect him behind teachers' backs. When they couldn't see, Jaune was constantly beaten to an inch of his life, or even stabbed at few occasions, but luckily his Aura healed those injuries from becoming fatal, still, some scars remained.

Where were his friends, you may ask? Once his secret was revealed, Weiss froze him to the ground while hurling insults towards the boy, Yang punched him and ordered him to stay away from Ruby. It was followed up by a punch from Ren who made him to stay away from Nora, later that evening throwing Jaunes belongings out of dorm room as well. Nora felt hurt that he lied and stopped talking to him. Only ones to stay by his side were Pyrrha, Ruby, Blake and team CFVY. After a month, Ruby and Blake distanced from him, and a week later Pyrrha did the same, leaving poor knight with a broken heart from betrayal. What hurt him even more was that he told Pyrrha about the fact that his fake transcripts were due to political reasons and that those transcripts were supplied to him by the council officially. Team CFVY couldn't hang out or train with him too much as well, mostly due to missions they regularly had to take that would usually take 3 days to week at least. Still, they tried to help him as much as they could, and Velvet would treat his injuries each and every time she found him hurt without a fail.

All of that lasted for two and a half months. Then, Ozpin summoned him to his office, where Jaune received letter addressed to him. It was from his father. An official document stating that young knight was disowned from Arcadia Royal family, AKA "Arcadia family" or "Arc family" for studies abroad, and from that day forwards his name was simply Jaune Luna. It did state that Jaune could keep Crocea Mors - the sword that belonged to his great great grandfather, but he was unable to use it for it carried Arcadia family's crest.

Heartbroken boy excused himself out of headmasters' office, not registering Ozpins downcast look filled with sorrow, and went to sleep. Later that evening he was found on the rooftop by Miss Goodwitch on the dormitory room curled up under a thin blanket. Shocked she woke him up and upon further questioning she discovered that he was sleeping on the roof or in an empty classroom for the past two and a half months. Horrified about this revelation, Glynda ordered the young man with eyes devoid of his former dorky shine to follow her while informing Ozpin on the said revelation. She took him to her room, and after giving him cup of chamomile tea with honey, made him to sleep on her bed for the night. After some bickering, he took couch, where for the first time since his transcripts came to light, he felt at peace.

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