Chapter 10: The Conversation

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A/N: Hello everybody! Happy new year to you all!

I'm back with another chapter, and for the next little while I'll be publishing new chapters at the usual pace! 

Hope you'll enjoy this chapter, and let's get this show on the road!!!

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A gunshot resounded in Schnee garden as bullet impacted the wooden target perfectly in the thorso. The shooter cheered about his first hit to the target and was about to turn around to ask if others in the garden saw that, only to be stopped by a hand gently pushing down on the gun so that it would aim at the ground, while other hand softly landed on the boys shoulder.

"Carefull, Whitely, with the gun. It's a dangerous weapon that can take one's life in an instant. Pay attention to your surroundings when handling it, please."

"Sorry, Jaune! I was too excited and forgot about the safety rules you taught me." Whitley answered in an embarrassed tone.

This is a second time that Jaune and I are visiting mother and Whitley, and since last time my little brother was enthusiastically asking about huntsmen stories from us and expressed his desire to learn some of the craft, we decided to spent today teaching him some basics and determining the most suitable weapon for him.

"I must say, hitting the target on the first try, my little boy is quite a talented gunslinger!" Mother cheered, truly happy that we were spending time together, and that Whitley had a good role model. She was also nursing a drink, but that was the first one today. She tries to stay off alcohol on days when I'm visiting, but it is hard to fight an addiction. Still, her drink has more ice than needed and what she poured was very weak liquor that she was drinking extra slowly, paying more attention to us spending time together than the drink.

"That he might be. Let's empty the cylinder and then we'll move onto the melee weapons." Jaune said in a serious tone. He was very meticulous in his teachings - first explaining about the weapon, it's pros, cons, strengths, weaknesses, uses and safety rules.

Whitley excitedly aimed his revolver at the target once more and shot the remaining 5 shots at the target, hitting it 3 times, and grazing one.

"Very good. You have a knack for using a gun, but it's not good to be over reliant on one weapon, especially if  you want to be able to fight well, and guns require ammunition, which is both limited and expensive at times. As such, it is a good idea to have a sidearm as well. For me, it's knives. They can be easily concealed and be a deadly weapon if used correctly. Let's first check, how you'll fare with those." Jaune said with a smile.

"Question, why are we starting with knives, and not swords like Weiss and Winter did?" Whitley asked, slightly confused.

"Mostly due to it's concealability and ease to hide. You don't want your father to find out about this, am I right? Plus, it is good to have a hidden blade for self-defense. Winter has one as well, that she hides in her boot. Not to mention me, who has three inside the pouch, one on the back and two tucked under my vambraces." Jaune explained. You would be surprised, just how many knives he can hide on his persona when on the missions. It is mind boggling. Even his casual outfit has six of those, hidden everywhere. Well... at least on his person he mostly holds throwing knives, and not daggers and hunting knives. Still, he always has at least one hunting knife or dagger at all times.

As Jaune began to explain to Whitley utility, uses, pros and cons of knives to Whitley and showing him some basic knife combat stances and moves, I sat down at the garden table next to mom.

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