Chapter 7: The Crisis

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A/N: Hello!

The next chapter is here! This is going to be the first chapter of Atlas Arc, so I hope you'll enjoy it! As always, feel free to comment and criticize this work, for to me, opinion of others is always welcome!

Now, with that said, let's get this show on the road!!!

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"I... don't think that it is a good idea..." Said hesitating Jaune, he still has his hood up, but now he is using his red scarf as a sash. Another thing that is unusual about him is that he has awakened Crocea Mors strapped to his back.

"This is the first free day we have since we joined the circle. Since we are in Atlas and waiting for the next bullhead to Mistral, I thought, why don't I introduce you to my mother and little brother? Since we are dating. Plus, my father is currently away from manor, so we basically can spend nearly all afternoon there!" I answered  with glee.

Since the end of his rehab two months have passed. And Glynda and I managed to officially start dating Jaune since a week ago. It took a serious incident where we nearly died and survived only because Jaune revealed his secret and went on a rampage.

Once he came back to his senses, he tried to run away, but we stopped him, made him realise that we don't care about his secret, and that we still love him, regardless of that. That day, once he stopped shedding tears, he agreed to start dating us. He also started to truly open up, but only to Glynda and I. In his own words,  we knew his worst secret and still accepted him, while he doesn't know about the rest. As such, he will try to trust in people more but only the two of us will be informed of everything Jaune has to hide. But not immediately. For he was still uncomfortable with laying everything bare.

We accepted that, of course! He does need time to overcome his trauma, but the important part is that he is willing to try and fix it. 

He now does make a snarky remark from time to time, if someone tries to taunt him, and he has improved considerably, no longer acting so cold hearted in a fight as he did a month ago, hell, he has started showing confidence in a fight, instead of just cold efficiency and brutality, but it is only towards people he cares about... He promised to improve on that and not brutalise or utterly humiliate his opponents in fights, so  that is a positive thing, but I digress.

We approach the Schnee manor, and once I ring the doorbell, a few seconds later, Klein opens the doors.

"Miss Winter! So glad to see you again! Here to visit Missuess Willow, or the Young Master Whitley?" He then noticed Jaune standing a bit behind me, clearly uncomfortable. Klein immediately had a teasing smile "And who might this young Gentleman be? Is he, perhaps, your suitor?"

"Yes, that he is. His name is Jaune Luna. A capable and brave huntsman in training I've worked with for a long time now, and am now courting with the intent of Marriage in the future." I explained. Jaune then walked up next to me, and with a respectful bow spoke.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, My name is Jaune Luna. I'm a huntsman in training affiliated with Beacon Academy, as well as Winters assigned partner for international missions and field operations." He spoke in a polite, respectful tone. With being a former prince and all, he does show promise.

"Klein Sieben, at your service! I must say, Miss Winter is like a daughter to me, so seeing that tomboy actually bringing her date home to introduce fills me with joy!" Klein said happily, eliciting a light chuckle from Jaune.

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